this game is a guilty pleasure of mine

If you removed the water temple this would be a perfect game

I simultaneously despise and adore this game

The gameplay in The Last of Us is quite literally one of the most tedious things I have ever fucking experienced, but the story is incredible

Genuinely one of the most anti-fun games I have ever played. The story had some interesting moments however.

The only thing that is genuinely holding this game back from 5 stars is the lack of mission checkpoints. I refuse to believe this game was play tested by anyone who isn’t a masochist.

God I wish Rockstar still did cool shit like this

I can’t believe nerds were still crying “GAME OF THE YEAR” after the fourth bee drone minigame


Just finished it and oh my god I love this game to pieces. Easily the most underrated masterpiece among Rockstar’s catalogue of masterpieces.