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Weeeell it took me nine months but I finally beat this game!!! I started it on my SMT journey last Spring but got interrupted by the release of Tears of the Kingdom and never got back to it until recently. I realized that Persona 3 Reload was coming out soon and I didn't want this game on my backlog anymore while I was playing that so I decided to crank it out.

And boy am I glad I did! Pretty much where I left off was where it was starting to get good. Met the Ring of Gaea and Ashura-Kai and got right to it.

Overall loved the game, it felt like a mix between the best parts of III and Strange Journey, and is very much so a spiritual remake of the very first game, which I really enjoyed.

Characters were kinda meh, the Law and Chaos hero were kinda whatever as characters, pretty much as bare-bones as it gets. In SJ I really sympathized with Jimenez and hated Zelenin and in this one the two dudes kinda melded together to me. I also miss when the Law and Chaos heroes would change form by the end of the game -- I know they technically turn into Makabarah (or whatever) and Lucifer I GUESS but come on, that's not them.

Another complaint is the god awful navigation of this game. When I knew where to go it didn't even matter because I never knew HOW TO GET anywhere. The overworld map is a fucking road system made of spaghetti noodles, roads lead nowhere, there is no sense of direction whatsoever, all the shit looks the same, and the map on the bottom screen doesn't give me any sort of useful information whatsoever. Icons don't pop up telling me what building I'm hovering over or where Shinjiuku is in relation to Shibuya or anything that can help me.

Also, this game is SLOWWWWWWW. Takes me so long to get from one place to the other, and I KNOW I missed the ferry that can take you across Tokyo's map instantly, but even that wouldn't help too much. Flynn walks too slow, you can't skip cutscenes (you can hold X that makes dialogue go faster, doesn't increase the speed of a cutscene though,) Buroughs talks so fucking much... Oh my god! I played the last hours of this game on a time crunch so every second I spent wasted waiting for Buroughs to analyze something or say something like "where do you want to go?" in a Terminal was fucking agonizing.

Now, as for the good, the atmosphere is wonderful. Getting to Tokyo for the first time and seeing the state of it after coming from Mikado was really something else. What a premise for a story, huh? Really super interesting. I especially love the time travel/ alternate dimension type shit they have going on, I love the kind of time loop shenanigans they threw in by the end. Going to different versions of Tokyo was so fucking cool.

This game was also a decent challenge. Wasn't too hard, but it wasn't easy either. Final boss took me a couple of tries but once I got it it was so satisfying to beat, especially after all the time I spent dwelling on this game.

Overall a fantastic game. I can't wait to play IV Apocalypse and continue my SMT journey -- but that's gonna have to wait because Persona 3 Reload comes out this week!!!!!!! I probably rank this one below Strange Journey and III but not by much. Still better than the SNES games. (duh.)

Basically after I play Reload I'm probably going to finally play The Answer while I'm on my Persona kick and then play 4 Arena and 5 Strikers. Then if I'm still up for it I'll try to finish off the mainline SMT games.

Depending on if the translation for NINE is out by then the order will probably be:
Reload > The Answer > 4 Arena/Ultimax > 5 Strikers > NINE /or IV A > V.

Then... that'll be that... Who knows!!

Logging completion of the Additional Scenario that the PSP remake added.

Really cool stuff. Was super fun to jump back into this world after so long and feel all those feelings I loved again. Halfway through it I realized I really just want to replay the whole game again but I think I'm gonna have to save that for another time. Not sure I'm going to have the time to sink into this before Reload comes out in a few weeks lol.

Anyway, this was a joy. Running around as Tatsuya smoking bad guys was fun, and I liked the kind of visual-novel thing they had going on with describing every scene.

Fighting Kandori and Nyarlathotep in this game was fucking amazing, two of my favorite characters in Eternal Punishment, fucking cool as shit.
Also interesting you fight Izanami who is the main antagonist of Persona 4? So that's cool ??

Overall a fun time, rather short, but that's quite alright with me. Maybe one day I'll replay the whole game, who knows.

Wonderful little game!!

Honestly wasn't too stoked about it before it came out and even after I bought it I didn't think I'd get much of a kick out of it, but not having played a new 2D Mario since NSMBU has left me bitter idk! It's been so long I forgot how much joy and whimsey I could feel playing these!!

The new worlds were super nice, I liked seeing the Wonder Seeds change color depending on what world I was in. Instead of the classic Grass, Desert, Beach, Forest, Snow, Clouds, Mountain, Volcano that I grew up on it was Hills, Clouds/Ice, Waterfall, Desert, Poison Mine(??), Volcano. Not a huge huge change but the graphics and artstyle overhaul makes up for it.

Everything new with the Wonder Flower was incredible, every single level I looked forward to whatever wacky change was going to happen. I loved turning into like a giant slime blob or flying through space collecting coins, it was just good fun.

Only complaint is I wish there was a teeny tiny bit more boss variety. NSMB DS did it best imo.

Overall phenomenal game, glad I finally gave it a shot.

Average Pokemon experience. Elite 4 were fun characters but their challenges were boring in a boring enviornment. I liked Drayden and Kieren's new look and the final fight with Terapagos was actually really fun.

Other than that underwhelming. Don't care for the DLCs in these games that much.

Played it for like a half an hour to see how it is against some bots, was kinda cool. I like the artstyle a lot and I could see how it could be really fun playing against real people. Reminded me of Fortnite!

Not really horribly bad. Better than Gen 8 DLC, but kinda still underwhelming a little bit. Gameplay was really mid, walk around catch some pokemon, take a selfie and battle your rivals a bit. Idk if it's just this game but I realized that Pokemon gameplay has never really been "riveting." Really felt like I was playing a Game Boy game with good graphics here. I am not usually one to complain about modern Pokemon but this just didn't really do it for me as much as I'd have liked.

I did enjoy all the new Pokemon to catch, in fact I loved Ogerpon, and I liked both new rival characters, but that's about it.

I kind of expected more from this one because the way it was marketed made Kitakami seem really interesting, but it really just felt like a little corner of Paldea. Whereas in the Sw/Sh DLCs the two new areas were really unique (tropics / tundra) this place did not feel any different than mainline Paldea at all. Grasslands, a small mountain, and like some small badlands area and a forest and that was about it. One single town that was boring and looked pretty much just like any other average town, and nothing that really made me feel like I was in a foreign region.

There were those couple of sign posts that were Japanese inspired, and the area where the festival was, but it didn't really make me feel like I was somewhere different. It was all very kinda boring I should say?

Another thing is I really REALLY felt how slow this game is while playing this. Waiting for battle animations to finish, chugging through dialogue, watching NPCs disappear and reappear two feet in front of me ... Idk . I hoped for more.

This was the part of the DLC I was looking forward to and now I am tempering my expectations for the second one. Maybe they'll go all out because it's the one with Terapagos and I think he's pretty important, so who knows.

Played the fan-recreation of the game titled Diamond Records Revival because it's the only way to play this game now. Was very kinda barebones, devs did an absolute hell of a job, but just wanted to get it done to check off my checklist.

There wasn't much to do, I died quick to the wave of enemies level, and yeah that's about it.

Really awesome and cute game, never played my entire life because it was just before my time and not one of those games I ever thought about, but wow it was cool.

Has more charm than I think all of the New Super games combined, the level variety was really unique and interesting, and Wario as a final boss instead of Bowser or whatever tf was so cool. I miiiiight play Wario Land since it's technically number 3 but idk, this was really cute, short and sweet.

Pretty short but cute game.

Never played this one before but was surprised how much charm they could fit in the little Game Boy. Really digged the setting and some of the unique world types, the easter island head area and the like, I guess Japanese inspired parts?? were pretty interesting. I kind of wish there was a more up to date version of this because I think it could look really super cute in better graphics.

Anyway not bad, very short, onto the next one??

What a fucking ride. Fantastic game, start to finish, and an incredible end to an incredible journey.

First of all, the graphics are absolutely insane. Going in order 1 2 3 4 and seeing how it gets better and better is a treat, and this game is eye candy the entire time. Slipping on cliff rocks in the pouring rain on a deserted island has never looked this good!

Like the last one, I loved this story. I think I might've preferred Nate and Sully's backstory and relationship to Nate and his brother's, but it was still really cool that the story had that touch of personalism. I really liked Sam and his voice actor, as well as Rafe and his, and fighting bad guys for someone else's sake instead of treasure has got some other feeling to it.

I am really going to miss shooting bad guys in the jungle and climbing rocks and shit. What a crazy journey I'm so glad I went on.

PS And I'm happy Nate and Elena got a happy ending : )

What a phenomenal game. I went into this one thinking it was going to be kind of middle of the road, seeing as I haven't heard much about this one, but I was very very impressed.

The graphics, story, locations, and characters have all been levelled up since the last one, I was staring in awe at many of the incredible locations in this game. The fucking overgrown mansion in the beginning, the ship during the storm, riding on horseback through the desert, holy hell this shit was awesome.

I really enjoyed the locations in this one more than the last two, since both of those kind of took place in more or less similar locations, this one being mostly in the desert (with some parts in the forest and at sea,) I really enjoyed the variety.

The story was also VASTLY improved over the last one, I really care more about the characters in this more than ever, and I think they started really writing a story that makes me want to keep playing, that isn't just "we need to go here to stop the bad guys blah blah blah."
I loved Sully and Nate's relationship development in this one, I love these characters and I think they did a really good job of straining their relationship and strengthening it. When I thought Sully died I was so pissed, and so relieved when he was alright. It was great to see their backstory, and it is just great to see how good of friends they are.

The villain in this was pretty much just as generic as the other ones, I don't think I cared for her in the slightest, but I hated that slimy fucking henchman MF.

I feel like the difficulty was spiked in this one compared to the other ones, a lot of times I thought I made a direct headshot didn't land on the enemies, and I was dying wayyyy more to the gunfire than in the other ones.

Overall I had a blast, and I am happy my expectations were exceeded!! I am very excited to play the final game in the series, I've only heard good things!!

Really dope ass shit. Honestly I feel weird about saying this but I think there was only so much that this game could improve over the first one. Feels kind of like the same game, having played them back-to-back, but I think this one was better, albeit slightly.

Characters had more fun interactions, a lot of them had me smiling because I think the main cast has really good chemistry. The set pieces were a lot more entertaining, and a lot less infuriating in this game. No more driving up rivers or any of that bullshit, but there's blowing people up in cars again (yippee!!) climbing out of a burning train, exploring temples, doing puzzles, and shooting more bad guys indiscriminately...!

This game is definitely super fun, and an improvement over the last one, but I don't think I'm confident in saying it's by very much. Did love it tho!

Honestly pretty darn fun. I'm not super into these sorts of games but I was given the Uncharted Trilogy for Christmas like two years ago and I've heard high praise ... and here we are!

Had more fun than I thought I would, especially since the beginning felt a little sloggish, but eventually I got used to rummaging through ruins and shooting baddies. I played the remastered version so it looked beautiful, the ruins and scenery just looked so good, it reminded me a lot of Zelda sometimes, but that kinda shit is my jam.

The game felt very much like an action movie, had all the same tropes and everything, but it was still damn fun. I hear the second one is really good so I am excited to get into it.

One down, three to go!


Holy Underworld, what a phenomenal game???

This is my first rogue-lite and I have to say I am very impressed. I got this game for Christmas, given to me by my friend who gave it high praise, and I kinda have just been sitting on it for a while but wow am i glad I gave it a shot.

First of all, right out of the gate, the artstyle is brilliant. Every area and character is so uniquely designed and fits the aesthetic of this world, it is so pretty to look at. Even the enemy designs are just like, classic looking. I don't think there's really anything bad looking in the game, except like, the last area with the fucked up rats and shit, fuck those guys.

Because this is my first rogue-lite, and going into it, I had no idea what to expect -- Hell, I didn't even know the genre going in, I just started it and found out you had to start from the beginning every time you died! What the fuck!!
Once I got used to it though, I was up for the challenge. And it was for sure challenging, but that is what made it fun! Getting to a new area or climbing to a floor I haven't been yet was a rush. I loved it!!

I also really appreciate the lore changing the more you die. I always looked forward to when a little yellow exclamation mark appeared over a character's head, or I was prompted to go to sleep so a cutscene could play out. Before you fight the final boss the first time the lore isn't really that crazy, but especially after you meet Persephone the first time, I was really into it.

Originally I thought I felt "done" with the game and I was going to just beat it once, but once I got to the top and met Persephone, and realized the story wasn't over, I was like "no fucking way I'm quitting, I gotta see this through." And by the end, the story was really sweet, and I loved it. All the characters are awesome, and I really felt happy for them all in the end.

Couple other things, I really liked the Boon system, when I got lucky and went through a run with some OP ass shit, I was fucking FLYING. My go-to weapon was the fist things, I beat the final boss every single damn time with those, because they are fucking baller.

I enjoyed the enemy variety, but as you get higher they start to suck -- the fuckers who you have to kill twice in Elysium are some sons of bitches, the little tiny carts that explode on you suck monkey nuts, and the bomb throwing skeleton bitches can suck my left booty cheek.
Don't even get me started on the rat motherfuckers in the Temple of Styx, holy hell they have too much HP!

Otherwise, I loved wailing on them and feeling that satisfying slowmo when I cleared a room.

I ended up appreciating Charon a lot, and thought it was really sweet that he took me and Persephone down on his boat at the end, I have been wanting to take a ride on that thing the entire game!!

I'd say overall the best Boons were probably Ares, Poseidon, and Aphrodite's? Aphrodite's Call was so fucking OP I used that in my last two runs and it carried. When you get that to full power and send it off on a boss it takes a CHUNK out of their HP.

At the end of the day I totally adored this game, and I for SURE will be picking up Hades II, I can't wait.


It took me 5 years, but starting with the classic series, then playing X, then Zero, ZX, and now Legends... I am finally done... every single mainline Mega Man game!!!!

This game was a blast. Starting this up with the improved controls was orgasmic, and the graphics actually have improved somewhat.

I feel like with this game there a lot of things that balance each other out. I don't think it was quite as charming as the first game, but I enjoy how we move from one island to another. The dungeon layouts and designs were MASSIVELY improved upon, but non-dungeon story missions were fucking INFURIATING. Chicken level fucking SUCKED, Nino Ruins water SLOW AS FUCK, and the gravity section was kind of annoying too.

The story was interesting, too, but am I alone in thinking it was a little hard to follow? It's cool for what it is, but I want more!! It is a shame MML3 will (probably?) never come out. Who knows... I'd play that shit!!!