It's fun to play but that's where it ends. It's a gacha battle royale so a lot of pay to win elements. The free characters are terrible.

If you want to know more about the history of Pac-Man and play a bunch of different Pac-Man games in the franchise, then this game is great for you!

Actually pretty fun but mostly against bots if you were to play it now as it's player base has gotten smaller. I would still recommend someone to try it out even now.

It is fun, yeah a bit clunky sometimes, but really fun, I think it has one of if not the best lightsaber combat any Star Wars game has ever had.

I'll be honest I refused to play this game originally on release because turn based card combat games are not my thing. However after recently playing both Marvel Snap and Baldur's Gate 3 I thought I'd give it a try especially since it's on PS Plus Extra. I gotta say after only playing it for 5 hours straight I'm addicted. It's actually really fun to play and interact with iconic super heroes, the customization is also fun. I wont spoil anything story related but I urge you to try this game out especially if you're a marvel fan.

It's a fun racing game to play with family, friends or a partner especially if you're a fan of Disney films. But as an actual party racing game itself it's just another Mario Kart clone.

Not the biggest fan of Golf games but my Girlfriend wanted to play it with me and finding out John Cena is in it with the Peacemaker colour palette is.....Interesting.

It's one of the more fun card games I've played but still a card game at the end of the day. If you like DBZ and card games it's a must though.

Honestly this is the funniest game I've played in years! I can't wait for it to get more updates in the future. Highly recommend.

I've died more times from my friends shooting explosive barrels or placing traps than I have from Bigfoot himself.

Great to play with friends or strangers. The servers in this game can either be very toxic or very fun with lots of funny moments!

Winning Game of The Year 100%

(I haven't played totk or baldurs gate 3)

Played the playtest and the game is coming out in about an hour. After the many hours I've played this game, I gotta say it's a BLAST! Laughing with my friends non stop playing this. It is the best party game today!

This review contains spoilers

The Last of Us Part 2 is a masterpiece in the world of gaming. The storytelling is unparalleled, drawing players into a deeply emotional and thought-provoking narrative that keeps you hooked from start to finish. The character development is exceptional, making you care deeply about every character's journey. The gameplay is a perfect blend of intense action, stealth, and exploration, providing a thrilling and immersive experience. The level design is breathtaking, with every location telling its own story. It's definitely a big step up from the first game in gameplay. The attention to detail is staggering, from the decaying landscapes to the beautiful wilderness. The soundtrack deserves its own praise, as it enhances the emotional impact of every moment. The voice acting is top-notch, truly bringing the characters to life. The Last of Us Part 2 is more than just a game, it's a work of art that will stay with you long after you've completed it. Naughty Dog has raised the bar for storytelling in video games, and this is an experience that every gamer should play.

I have no idea how anyone can dislike this game, yes Joel's death is sad and still hits hard today but that shouldn't be the reason to hate the game. 5 Stars!