5 reviews liked by Gridlock007

meh! Fallout 3 bett- GETS SHOT

This game cured my depression and it ain’t even out yet. 10/10

It took them nearly 14 years but they finally did it, 343 made a good Halo game. Can't say it's as good as the original Halo games since the story still sucks dick and the level design is really uninspired. But hey they gave you a grappling hook and it's unironically the best part of the game so yeah.

by law every game should contain a grappling hook

Tired: The hardest part of Infinite's LASO mode is the entire UI (including whatever weapon you're holding) being invisible

Wired: The hardest part of Infinite's LASO mode is the "Boom" skull augmenting all the explosions, so when you're supposed to clear out all the enemies in an outdoor area, you accidentally launch a Brute 15 miles away while they're still alive, Team Rocket style, and The Weapon won't let you push a button to open a door because one of the enemies you were supposed to kill is still alive even though they're now on the other side of the ring

Spire'd: The hardest part of Infinite's LASO mode is that a buddy and I beat it all in co-op, and the only mission that took us over 2 hours ("The Sequence", in which you traverse a large portion of the map activating four spires) did not get marked off in the missions list. Every other mission has the Legendary icon marked in white. But The Sequence is still blue on Legendary! We replayed it without any fast traveling or backing out to the menu, which took 2.5 hours. STILL DIDN'T WORK!

I had a good time embracing the challenge of Infinite's LASO mode, and it really was hard as balls. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it though, playing on Heroic was more enjoyable, and Legendary without all the skulls could potentially be even better. But there were a few too many issues that made our LASO run frustrating at times.

I have completed LASO. I just didn't get the achievement to pop because of a tracking glitch. Booooo.