40 Reviews liked by GubGubb

Love this game so much, only thing is that whenever I play the multiplayer there’s always one person who turns the entire damn farm into an industrial hellscape with only profit in mind

Also the dude who made this game is actually him

Minecraft is objectively the best video game and this is th best version of it

Literally just a lethal company clone but nowhere near as interesting or varied, everything is so ridiculously repetitive it’s crazy. Also I know zeekers knew what he was doing when he dropped the new lethal company update right after this game released because it absolutely waffle stomps this game into the dirt.

This isn't a comeback, it's a funeral


this is literally the funniest game of all time nothing sends me into a laughing fit more often and harder than playing jank ass games held together with tape with my friends in a discord call and seeing them break apart in the stupidest ways

child labor laws aint got nothin on this

Zombies mode genuinely horrifying I peeded everywhere

Pretty fun coop game, It would have been cooler though if it had a boss fight where you’re on a train and a giant evil zombie meat dog who is actually an evil billionaire runs beside with a biolical minigun attached to its back, just a thought though idk.

It's easier to kill people in real life than in this game!

See, you think it's about werewolves but it's actually about aliens.

Done more for the lgbtq community than the United Nations



This is less of a review and more just personal accountability. I've struggled with my weight for years and only dabbled in VR fitness apps here and there - but I'm gonna be using FitXR to try and finally shed this weight and feel good about myself.

Any words of encouragement would be welcome :)