185 reviews liked by Gui1337

peak turn based combat

decided not to listen to myself and played this before the patch. slowdown was horrible but the game was so good it didnt matter. highly recommended, especially if you have the patience to wait.
this games combat is so fucking good but i will not lie only being able to use 3/4 characters made me not want to use lance at all. matt is the invaluable meat shield and natz is insane magic damage + versatility. that just leaves anna and lance and lance joined too late for me to really consider utilizing him. these games are legit my main steal of this sale and im glad i finally have the time and patience to play and appreciate these. idk if ill play 5 next, i'll probably wait until im done with other games.

This is a game made by a couple of what i assume to be slightly old people, thinking about that makes me want to go a bit easier on the game, but when i think about it a bit more, i realize i do not care.

To start of, the story is quite boring, you can skip all of it and not miss anything. The gameplay however, is equally as boring. it's like worse solitaire, with a few gimmicks but that ultimately feel like they have no connection with the actual fights. The character building is also boring as hell as you can barely spec into anything different and unique, there's pretty much just one path in terms of how you progress.

bad game, but i've played worse.

Apesar quedas de frames constantes, é um ótimo jogo.

Lord almighty is GreedFall dragged down by the constant interior loads. Is this game's engine so memory-limited that they couldn't afford to load in more than a single room at a time in any given building, especially ones that you are constantly traipsing around for various quests? Talk about a game-ruining limitation...

It's clunky and the story isn't amazing enough to justify the lack of quality-of-life features. there is far too much backtracking (like a good 1/8th is backtracking) and the combat gets stale surprisingly fast with the exception of boss fights. Autosaves are also inconsistent, some are placed in very good points and some seem like they are placed randomly

the most annoying thing is that certain story beats are too naive and the best story beats aren't shown.

It is really barely with your time,

There is a trial for a character that I was so excited to participate in and they just skipped it. screen faded to black and we got the verdict. No arguments, no input, no cutscenes.

Decent RPG with a story that kept me engaged for most of my playthrough. At times I found myself enjoying this game but then other times it felt like a chore. I didn't expect myself to get so locked onto the story, wanting to know the outcome of many of the quests.

However many quests can feel draining and boring and you find yourself running from person to person just acting as everyone's messenger. It's not a great formula, but I feel like it wouldn't be as bad if your character didn't run as slow as they do. There is a run option however it feels just ever so slightly slower than it should be, and your character will suddenly lose momentum if you move the analogue stick in a way the game does not like.

At least by the time I was really getting bored, I was overpowered so could breeze through the last part of the game before I became too burnt out.

Still, I recommend this game as it feels unique to many of the other RPGs from around this time.

They catfished me with Moxxi into playing this DLC.
I thought that maybe it would be more fun with other players but I was wrong. Literally put me to sleep. Just skip this DLC, will you?

Knoxx storyline was funny and Athena is a beautiful addition to the series. Crawmerax was lit.
It was nice seeing all those new enemies and new cars but got frustrated after trying to complete every quest because there are no fast travel points and you have to drive through the whole map. So much grind.
Still an okay DLC, even though my 'Completionist' achievement is bugged...

Best DLC of BL1. It is short but absolutely fun. Killing Claptraps was nice and the quests are rather enjoyable other than Tannis' quests. And finishing this DLC marks the end my BL1 journey. It was fun while it lasted but I don't think I will ever visit this game again, because I have BL2 ffs...

Por mais que sua história seja aquele feijão com arroz de fantasia medieval e não tenha me prendido tanto o game me viciou de uma maneira que nenhum outro tinha feito nos últimos tempos, a gameplay de combate é MUITO boa, você sente cada golpe e magia lançada, tem várias classes pra trocar durante a jornada tornando tudo muito dinâmico e divertido, dificilmente vai ficar enjoativo.

O sistema de exploração é bem único também, no começo fiquei bastante perdido por tentar jogar sem pesquisar nenhuma dica e levei umas 8 horas pra encontrar uma quest do meu nível e conseguir progredir na história, o jogo te deixa livre desde o primeiro momento, deixando o jogador escolher por onde quer começar, isso acaba fazendo você encontrar muitas dungeons e itens secretos, é uma das melhores se não a melhor coisa desse jogo.

Um dos sistemas que mais gostei foi o de parceiros, deixando você escolher qualquer classe de qualquer pessoa ou amigo que tenha jogado e criado um personagem, o mesmo te da dicas em quests que já tenha participado com seu dono. De certa forma me apeguei aos que usei durante minha aventura, tive muito cuidado pra não deixa-los morrer, por que caso aconteça é permanente.

Dragon's Dogma envelheceu como vinho, é um jogo bem único e com certeza vou comprar o 2, vale cada hora de gameplay e é muito satisfatório descobrir as coisas no mapa. Com mods de gráfico e UI fica melhor ainda.