It's not the future that I want for the franchise (no good cities, no party, no mini games), but I would lie if I said that I didn't enjoy my time with this game.
Overall a good game that becomes great because it has some amazing moments (some of the Eikons battles and the last boss)

Second best Power Rangers game for the GBA. It's fine

Third best Power Rangers game for the GBA. You have a gun in this one, cool

Fourth best PR game for the GBA (or second worst). Bad physics and all the characters play the same

The worst PR game for the GBA (or the fifth best)
The combat is BAD

At the first levels I was like "hey, this game is as good as I remembered as a kid". But the game gets worst really fast.
The side scrolling levels are fine, everything else is bad. And good luck with the Baboon Chase

Hated the Rocket and "Jump" levels. The rest was fun
Really nostalgic at some moments and the best use of the controller in any PS5 game

Kinda short, but really fun.
It took me a while to remember the controls. If I had played just after beating the main game I would probably liked more

The battle system is WAY better than the PSP version.
Overall still looks like a handheld game, but if you love FF 7 it worth the play

It's a Otaku game. But a really fun one.
Great replay value

The story is so so so bad that make the rest of the game worst because of it

Yes, the game is extremely linear most of the time
But it throws so many different things at your face all the time that makes you forget that it's just corridor after corridor

It's Dark Souls 4
A little easier at some moments, but less frustrating too (thank you From for the save points outside of the bosses)
It's an amazing evolution in the From formula. The only reason that isn't a 10/10 it's because some of the areas are kinda bad


It's fine
Not a fan of the worm puzzles

You're crazy if you try to beat this game without using a mod to get at least 10 cards with every win. Life is too short my friend

Apart the obligatory grinding at the last part of the game, it's really fun