
I honestly believe this is one of the best games ever made. The story and absurd attention to detail are enough to make it good, but it just goes above in beyond in all aspects.

Disclaimer: I suck at this game and still think it's just incredible.

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This game has some very obvious writing problems which sucks cause the 3 new playable characters are all very interesting in their own ways. But the main story goes out of its way to undermine character development, and just be a mess all around.

Gameplay wise, the biggest problem is having to start level progression over with a new character when you get to their section of the game. But the game is far more enjoyable than yakuza 3, even if too easy.

Also shout out to the kamurocho hills fight for being the sickest long battle to date.


Deceptive marketing causes me to be bitter about the story even now. The open worlds themselves are kinda barren, but outside of that it is probably the best stealth/third person shooter I have ever played.

I have quite a bit of complaints about this game but to focus on the good things I'd say

The story's concept is really good. The gunplay is still great, and you kill nazis.

Everything else kinda just sucks. The difficulty sucks, you have half of your health for a solid chunk of the game. the writing took a noticeable dip in quality from the previous game. And characters feel like parodies of themselves.

I wouldn't recommend even if you liked the new order. MASSIVE disappointment overall


Arcady dumb fun. The game completely switched directions mid life from the "Dark Souls of heist games" into just an arcade horde shooter with heist objectives. "Both" games were fun in their own right. Like all coop games it's better with friends.

Weakest Yakuza title. Wouldn't really recommend unless you're a fan of the other games.

Story is only really watchable cause of the main villain. And you get to see a new (and important) side of Kiryu

The gameplay also slows to a crawl even for basic street battles. it's just aged really poorly even compared to like, Yakuza 4.


I'm one of those jackasses that plays this game competitively. And while I think game balancing kind of went out the window at the end of its update cycle. The amount of polish that went into this game is just too great to ignore. Any time i boot up another platform fighter i always find myself feeling spoiled for playing this one despite the faults it has at a competitive level.


This game babysat me for my latter years in high school so it holds a special place in my heart. But if I had to be objective the difficulty settings are completely out of whack, balancing is a joke. And there are some plot holes that could use some fixing.

This game is essentially a love letter to everything Fire Emblem before it and does extremely well in character writing, and presentation. Fire Emblem is fun, even if unbalanced.