It felt like they wanted Bioshock to have Postal 2 dialog but they never played Postal 2

The levels are the best part, they all are incredibly well-thought out and you'll never have a boring time

It's like I'm rehearsing to go on the internet

If this game was a person, it would be drinking at a lonely bar every week but is the kindest person there

A friend of mine showed this to me and only grabbed the jewel cart. I've been practicing everyday ever since

Taught me how to dive in New York City

I can't look at the color orange anymore

Its in the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Not fun if you're not British. (I'm not British)

The best game sequel out there. It expertly keeps the same vibe and feel of the first one after so long

My first ever pokemon game was the hardest one in the series

Fun game to play through. I didn't pay attention to the story much cause gun go shoot and it fun