Favorite God of War Games

Games from the hit video game franchise God of War, listed by how much I like them.

A game with a lot of charm, that kick-started this franchise and has aged very well.
A very good game on its own, but a masterpiece for old time fans of the franchise.
Goes even further than the 2018 game.


Basically a spin-off. Also has Kratos killing god-level beings, which is said to be unthinkable (for a mortal) in GoW 1.


Could very much be a spin-off. Kratos acts like a raging child, like he does on GoW 2, and he kills a god, which is said to be unthinkable in GoW 1.


Actually good to explain why Kratos is so deranged in GoW 2 and 3.


Tries too many things that they didn't have the time to do in GoW 1, which makes this game seems bloated. Is a glorified set up for GoW 3.


Pretty epic and fun, with impressive graphics on the PS3.


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