first, this game is very difficult if you never played a "souls like" game before.The target audience was definitely for "soul -like" fans. but for a game that follows a formula it hit the mark very close to the target, but what makes it better is how it played the story and gameplay uniquely. the combat could use some work as it expect you to be perfect in every move which becomes monotonous. but other than that its very great game in its own right. the map laylout is very linear hence it is really easy to navigate but i dont really mind it. dont expect to play like dark souls but interchange between bloodborne and sekiro

definitely one of the better kh games very well made even for a 3ds. the combat was great, story progression and mechanics. they improved compared to re;coded although i dislike the pet feature

i wanted to see the walking down the hallway scene I WAS CATFISH

im actaully into this, it reminds me of apex legends with a more of sense of objective and less ability based. i love how interactive earthing is and the array of weapons. it is a worth a try if youre looking for something thats fresh in the fps genre

this game was great, it was amazing how they tied actual norse mythology and how they dealt psychology. the character development was truly something special. it really felt you were present in this game.

very amazing remake, really improved on from social links, combat, life simulator, although felt the same as any other persona game from recent years and this formula will last only for so long. it might be too easy with all the buff it gives to you but nevertheless was great from gameplay to OST

game was definitely not what i expected astonished me very much from the world design, characters, art, and especially music. i loved the story and the suspense it gave me throughout the game. and the mix of Scandinavian folklore was a great touch and could really feel it in the design and music. it is a shame how short it was but im hoping this studio will create more

honest one of the best Soulsborne games and games in the 2010 decade and there is a reason why this game has received so much praise. illusion of open world is still there but not overwhelming. it is somewhat linear in progression but i only got lost due to overthinking.


never liked turn based games for all the reasons bg3 shows cus it pisses me off. but this is a prime example of what a well cared for and FULL game is.

warning: photosensitive imagery

compelling story that could be relatable with young adults. its very affirming also you people that struggle with conservative parents, quite a tear jerker but the story is still sweet enough at the end

never was into mecha type games, collectables, or even shows. but the UI to the mechanics feels very simple and i love it. i thought i would be shoved in the face with all these stats but its minimal. the fighting style makes me really enjoy this game in its own unique way

i can see why this is the least liked "souls" game by fromsoftware. it was aggravating that in order to dodge and roll better was to level up adaptability. however this game has some of the best stories and DLC compared to the other games. that was something i really enjoyed however its themes and designed i couldnt help but realized this was developed by a different team compared to the other dark souls games.

very short game with nice combat but it is a little hard to manage an aim with quickly. overall simple, creative and fun story based on ramayana mythology. not really worth 24usd but i thought it was worth it to support this studio that really put their passion into this.