In the same vain as Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Yooka Laylee, etc. Spongebob Squarepants rehydrated is an amazing collectathon featuring everyone's favorite yellow sponge! Such a fun game with great bosses, and a hilarious ending with so much depth in terms of level design especially during a certain part of the game where everything feels like a fever dream. An absolutely amazing experience that'll make you say... I'M READY!

Much in the same vain as Spongebob Battle For Bikini Bottom, the movie games feels like a sequel of sorts with more variety of gameplay and level design making it a worthy successor/sequel to BFBB. I absolutely recommend you play this game if you love Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom, or want a fun movie licensed game to play.

A Spongebob Squarepants party game similar to that of Super Mario, is a great party game but I can see people getting bored with in terms of a regular party game mode, but not in terms of Story mode, where the winner of each minigame who has the most points appears in the cutscene (Context wise explained in the games beginning). I recommend this game if you want a game similar to Mario Party but Spongebob.

a boring mess of minigames that are so forgettable you honestly will somehow not remember this game, more than the actual special itself. Do not recommend AT ALL.

ICONIC no explanation needed, all the games are fun and awesome and so fun to play, an amazing pack in game for the Wii!

Boring Piece of crap game that is essentialy a on rails arcade shooter ported to wii that happens to have a cliche movie theme around it. It's a pile of crap don't play it.

Also for some weird ass reason, the developers decided that in order to extend the game's length, they made the game ridiculously hard to where you'll probably never complete it because of how hard it is unless you play on easy. Even then I barely remember if the game was a difficulty screen, in terms of being able to select different difficulties. But all I know is that it was hard as hell as a kid, maybe if I come back to it if I dare God ever play this game again, maybe I can play and beat completely, but I honestly God have so many negative experiences with this game I probably will never touch it again in my life.

an awful on Rails shooter than happens to have Men in Black as the basis, with GOD AWFUL 3rd person Walking sections in short asf cramped area with awful controls (speaking in terms of the wii version) this crap is just the definition of a shitty movie tie in game that released right around the time MIB 3 was out. Don't play this shit.

Metroid Dread is an amazing game with amazing bosses, and levels. With terrifying atmosphere and great game design. It's an amazing game to own if you've never knew if Metroid was a good series or not, I urge you to play this game!

This is because nostalgia has faded from me and I realized how boring and shit this game is that it's literally so repetitive and not fun that I just can't sit here and say " played this as a kid so it must be great" it really isn't, uses the Raimi designs of certain characters because it was popular but then decides to also have comic versions of other villains like what. I mean Black Cat is a good bonus for any spiderman game, but man is this game just not good lol. Love Spiderman but Spiderman Friend or Foe is just plain bad.

I mean it's certainly Spiderman, only thing is the amount of random shit added and glitches really bring this game down. Like with the random new gangs, the Lizard, Kraven, Kingpin, just feels cluttered. Doesn't help that the game feels rushed out the ass, just to tie in with Spiderman 3 release, such a disappointment, Venom still looks bad in both the Raimi Movie and This game, nostalgia means nothing when trying to find something good about this game. The only thing that are pros are obviously that hilarious beginning with the exploding building, and the swinging against, apart from that, this game is just meh.

I swear this game was literally 1 level where you fight 2 dudes outside in a dark asf room, and then nothing happens because you can't progress forward, this game was boring as shit even as a kid.
It was also so hard for no damn reason, if you want your game to be played and experienced by a lot of people, try not to make the difficulty so hard to where you can't find where the hell you're supposed to go and you have to fight enemies that can probably kill you easily and then completely destroy any sort of care in order to actually complete this damn game. That's not the say that the game needs to be easy, but difficulty is important in terms of making a game fun, this game just wasn't.

No Explanation Needed, Iconic

Not alot of people know this one, but it's such a classic, the original mario bros, great game, love it so much :D

A fun action packed game that was just cool. Battle toads is really one of those games that I just loved because it was so cool to see the characters hands and feed become giant inanimate objects that did so much damage. That and the game was the right amount of difficult where it wasn't unfair, but it wasn't easy. Great game

Very cool and fun Rare fighting game that honestly is a hidden gem that I'm happy got essentially a reboot/remake. Absolutely awesome :D