What the hell were they on with this one? Extraordinarily punishing game and the load times were excrusiatingly long. Playing this was like a test of patience instead of a game.

One of those games you actually feel embarrassed as you play it.


You have no clue how many times I attempted to play this but I always got extraordinarily frustrated. The 2D to 3D gimmick gets a bit old after few minutes and there's only so inventive you can be with that. I think it's time to move on from this lol

I don't like hard games. I got to the last area but I don't think I can put any more time into this. I appreciate the challenge but this is one of those games where if you want to do really well you have to learn things like invincibility frames and movement techs and things like that and I just don't care enough to do so.

The aesthetics are really fun though and I'd like to play a different genre of game with the same style.

Never played these before, it was pretty fun with good art direction and music. It's especially good if you only play for less an hour at a time so it doesn't get too stale.

Most lively and unique battle animations in the franchise compared to the series later full-on jump to 3D.

Really fun and rewarding to figure out all the intricacies of the system.

The visuals and atmosphere are fantastic, however I do think that the horror imagery appears so frequently that you become numb to it, so the scares lose their value because there's something scary on-screen basically 90% of the time.

I remember playing this when it was brand new and the motion blur from the camera movements made me feel like I was having a stroke.

I'm surprised another pop artist hasn't done something like this? A playable album is an amazing idea and it works really well here.

I played this one A LOT. I think I appreciated that every monster had a 3 model, which I don't think any of the other handheld games did at the time, or since?

I never really thought the gameplay here was some extreme improvement from KH1? If anything it became too frenzied and chaotic, and Sora's myriad new abilities made it so there really was no fun in discovering how to take down a boss.

I remember thinking as a kid that the beginning of the game was so boring I should just quit. Luckily, it ends up picking up a lot with a pretty decently emotional story, good music, and a crazy mindbending conclusion that I didn't see coming.

For some reason I have a memory of as a child of thinking that the game board environments were so beautiful and detailed lol

Disappointed because Kingdom Hearts 3 SHOULD have been this good. Combat is fun and semi-challenging and rewards some creativity, with there never being just one way to win a fight. The story is nothing super special but I really appreciate the meta-fictional elements that spice up what could have been a decades-old hackneyed narrative.


Addictive as fuck. Normally I wouldn't like these games, but every failure I felt so excited to start again.