5 reviews liked by Hazzarinio_

Not goty by any mean but I really fw "tetris with wizards"



It's a walking simulator but you're a cat. If that sounds good to you, buy it.

It's has immaculate environmental design and overall is stunningly looking, which is also it's biggest selling point. I liked the movement, but otherwise there isn't much to say about the gameplay. All it does is quite simple and mostly done alright. My only real criticisms would be the checkpoints in the stealth segments, but even that is barely worth mentioning. Also, this needs a photo-mode!!!
What I missed in the second half, was the verticality of the first area, although the layout and stores easily made up for my initial disappointment.

I also really appreciate the nod to Nier:Automata in the Ant Village. If you don't know what I'm referring to, listen to the song on the soundtrack again and right after that put on 'Significance' from Nier. Also best area, period

This games predecessor had wreck it ralph and Danica Patrick in it so there is no excuse as to why this was so agonising