44 Reviews liked by HeadassJoey

I shitted on myself this game is so good. The music, the bosses, the combat... it's all peak fr

Eve would go insane if she was around for the time when Baja Blast was only at Taco Bell

It’s really a shame that reactions to Stellar Blade are more focused on the fanservice or the coomer reactions. You got one group of people who just focus on the fanservice and hail the game to be the savior of sexualized women in gaming, and then you got the other group who view the game in a negative light because of the first group. And you know what? I can’t even blame them because the first group is really insufferable.

I don't care in the slightest about Stellar Blade having a "sexy" protagonist. I saw a trailer for it once and was immediately interested, because of how fun and unique it looked.

But coomers saw the female Protagonist’s butt and were obnoxious about it ever since. Like come on, it’s bottom of the barrel fanservice you’re going all crazy for. Literally everything I've seen about this game online is people with underaged anime character avatars cream their pants over how this game is "destroying wokeness" or whatever. Nothing against Eve, because she is really pretty and I actually really like her, but she looks like every female character in every korean MMO ever made. It's like people going to war over white bread. Apparently, these guys are now whining about censorship, signing petitions, and making videos of themselves (they look about as you'd expect) about why their cause matters lmao. These pathetic gamerbros will never not be incredibly annoying and cringe to me.

Because Stellar Blade is just so much more. Picture all those apocalyptic gachas and their really great world-building, fantastic atmosphere but really cheap and dull (chibi) gameplay, then amp it up to AAA levels – that's the magic of Stellar Blade.

The environments are beautifully crafted and the atmospheric soundtrack is another aspect I deeply appreciate and thoroughly enjoyed in this game. There's nothing quite like losing yourself in a captivating melody as you journey through vast, lonely landscapes and cities. Just like Nier, Stellar Blade really nailed its soundtrack.

The gameplay is just so much fun and showcases an exceptional level of refinement and polish. Every movement, dodge and parry hit the mark perfectly. The more skills you unlock, the cooler and more fun the combat gets. There's never a dull moment - the gameplay remains consistently exciting and stylish from start to finish.

I found the plot to be really intriguing, and I really enjoyed uncovering plenty of secrets and snippets of lore. But what really surprised me were the sidequests. Sure, some were usual filler content, but most served to make the world feel alive and deepened the lore. Completing them was enjoyable, they never felt like a chore. So good job there.

Oh, and I'm pleasantly surprised by Eve! Initially, I expected her to be the typical "waifu" (ugh, I hate that word), merely there for visual appeal with little personality beyond conforming to generic “anime girl” tropes. Most of these tropes revolve around being “innocent”, "naive" or a "sweet flower girl." But Eve defies those expectations, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Even though Stellar Blade took huge inspiration from Nier and other apocalyptic gacha games, it's still an extremely unique and fun game that everyone should give a chance. Don't listen to the manchildren throwing tantrums or all the buzz about the “fanservice," which is honestly vastly overexaggerated due to some optional skins. Honestly, aside from the optional skins, there are absolutely no horny aspects present in the game.

There are just so many little touches to the point where you can tell the developers really cared about making this game great, and they succeeded. Stellar Blade is simply a beautiful game.

so far, stellar blade might be game of the year for me. the combat, once upgraded and refined with the five different skill trees, feels surreal. one of the most fun combat systems i’ve experienced in quite a while. i get vibes from a few different games, ranging from nier, soulsborne titles, tomb raider and a bit of resident evil with some of the infected areas and secret research labs. the soundtrack is phenomenal and has become one of my favorites in gaming as well. eve herself is an entertaining character to watch grow and develop— even if i was a bit uninterested in her at first. the customization is really unique and the outfits are gorgeous, and as a girl, its clothing consists of styles i could see myself cosplaying in the future. the exploration alongside can/outfit collecting is never dull and feels so rewarding.

please consider playing this game, and don’t listen to the coomers on twitter that ruin the experience for casual gamers looking for a fun, new experience. there’s quite a bit of fan service but never does it in a distasteful way.

even my gf never made my dick that hard

Story is fantastic but having to replay over and over was exhausting

Fight shadow creatures and purge the land of evil to save your sister.

I honestly don't really know why, but this one isn't it for me. I played through all of Automata, got every ending, and I was really invested the whole time. I enjoyed the story, the combat got a bit stale but still worked fine throughout, and I loved all the characters.
So I find myself asking..what changed?

In this one, the story really isn't grabbing me. I find myself just wanting it to be over, ignoring all the mostly abysmal side content, and beelining through the main events in the hopes that it improves. Sadly it hasn't been anything to write home about in my time playing. A couple interesting segments, sure, but I think it's been pretty dull besides that. Based on everyone's praise, I'm sure there's some huge reveal and a lot of great writing in the latter half, but..I am just not making it there right now. I at least need a long hiatus.

I like the characters a lot, the story is fine, but the combat. Easily the worst offender for me by a longshot. It is so incredibly mind-numbing that I genuinely can't continue putting myself through it anymore. I can't really say exactly why it doesn't feel good exactly, but- it is definitely up there with some of my least favorite feeling combat. At the very least you end up getting different weapon types to shake things up on the fly, but..man, I dunno. It just ain't it. That first handful of hours was really tough to slog through, combat wise. It likely doesn't help that you re-tread and re-fight the same enemies in the same areas for the entire duration (that I've played). It's just..so dry.
I'm talkin' oyster crackers and a shot of straight cinnamon, dry.

Another side note: I'm assuming the ability comes back, but I am not very content about getting fast travel, and then immediately losing it. Especially after spending more time walking to destinations, then even being in them. On the bright side, these maps are now burned into my brain permanently. :)

I'm unfortunately just not enjoying it enough to spend more time with it. I won't say the game is bad or anything like that, but it just isn't working for me personally. Like. When I only play something simply because I feel like I have to, it's time for me to stop playing it.
Maybe I'll pick it up again one day. Who knows.

Judging by the vast amounts of praise, it seems like the game is very worth trying out, even if it isn't for me. Grab it on sale and give it a go if you'd like.

This game has so many good ideas, but they are relatively poorly executed. I suppose most of this game's flaws would be avoided by doing a remake instead of a remaster, and especially if they did it with a bigger budget. In short, it's an interesting game if you're a big fan of any other Yoko Taro game, but if you have no idea who this asshole is, just play NieR: Automata before experiencing any other game made by him. And the 20 minute long VN sessions made me hate this game a little bit.
The game is carried by the best soundtrack that i've listened in my life, and by the great and misterious story. About the combat, well, it is good, but not as good as NieR Automata combat

The Banjo Kazzoie Nuts & Bolts of fossil fighters

I told my mom I wanted Skylanders: SuperChargers for Christmas. :(

The initials of this game is the grade I give it

such a breath of fresh air in the pokemon series with a great story in my opinion. go play it if you can

THEE perfect pokemon game. wish there was a bigger dex

The best quality I can give Tears of Kingdom is that it is very addictive. I finally beat this over 40 hours of this game over a week and could not put it down. How many of those hours were enjoyable I'm not really sure but i kept playing so that must mean something. Like Breath of the wild, Tears eventually just hits a point of annoyance once you see the full scope of the game, little nagging problems become massive issues, and because of how much is reused from Breath of the Wild it hits that point a lot sooner. Perhaps if I didn't play Breath of the Wild I would be head of heals for this game and i think that the way it probably was intended shown by how many more tutorials there are and how boringly easy most of puzzles are. Is it better than Breath of the Wild, yea probably, it does take advantage of the sandbox a lot better and it isn't as repetitive but legacy-wise? Breath of the wild is one that going to be remembered as an open-world classic and Tears will be the "yea, i played that, it was good."