Fun premise, main story, and side hustle with the sushi restaurant. Found it very easy/fast at first, slows down to a better pace later. A lot to do; fishing, sushi quests, main quests, sea people quests, 3 different farms, collections, etc... Can be overwhelming but most can be ignored if desired. Overall a really fun play.

Extremely captivating; strong writing; interesting story, characters, and world building. Really immersive experience, I went with an intelligent build. One gripe is some small pacing issues early on, basically being locked out of doing a task to drive the main plot until the third day, so I just had to wait around and read books basically. As well, it just felt bad sometimes failing a check required to advance the main story. I think they should have allowed them to be retried after a time or upping your stat in any manner, not just directly with upgrade points. Overall will probably give this one a while before returning, but I do want to try a different build eventually.

The game about feeling lost in young adult hood. Explores depression, feeling lost and aimless, and things inevitably changing in life. Definitely feels very real, especially the dialogue, and touches the feelings. The game play is pretty slow pace, but I quite enjoyed it, being in the mood for something more chill.

Really love the sense of exploration in this one. The underwater is both terrifying and exciting. Wish there was a little more hints in the right direction, but overall was pretty seamless. Really loved learning more about the world and what had happened. Very similar vibes to Outer Wilds for me, just more of a survival aspect.

Very unique game mechanics. Interesting world and fun gameplay

Fun little exploration game. Started the game and a random joined me, was fun playing with them. Later on my gf and I were able to actually join the same session which was super cool.

Visually stunning game, really enjoyed everything. Just wish it was a little longer!


Pretty fantastic shoot-em-up game. FPS's are not really my forte to be honest, but this one is pretty mindless fun. The soundtrack makes it so much better too.

An interesting way to tell a short mystery. Had fun with figuring out the search keys, interesting story.

Enjoyable short narrative game. Definitely subverted my expectations, there were some pretty spooky vibes the whole time and I was really expected something bad to happen.

The exploration of the house was fun, I honestly got pretty drawn into it and learning about my sister and family.

Much more interactive than other "walking sim" games like dear Esther or what remains of Edith finch.

Overall very short though, wouldn't grab for more than sale pricing.

Enjoyable and interesting walkthrough with some bangin tunes

Solid mario game. Good platforming as always. Never played this game in the past so there were some interesting mechanics and enemies I hadn't seen before. Honestly some pretty challenging sections / levels too, Larry's castle was a bitch.

Felt like a bit of a "walking sim" most of the time. There was a lot of just "go here and interact with this thing". Not really any problem solving or puzzles like I anticipated going into a prison escape game.

The island portion felt like a whole different game, and of course the ending was a huge highlight and honestly redeemed the game a lot for me.

Considering the length and the unique experience of being completely co-op I'd say its worth a play.

As a fan of Harry Potter this game was definitely worth the playthrough for me. The exploration was a huge highlight, and a lot of the little side activities are pretty fun.

The main quest plot is average, liked some of the side quests a little more honestly especially Sebastian's and the curse spells.

Combat feels really smooth and fluid, but it does become stale eventually as there are no changes as the game progresses. Especially true once you've unlocked all of the spells.

Might come back to this save to try a few more things sometime, but I feel content that I won't need another full playthrough.

Decent dungeon crawler. Weapon upgrades come fast, felt like I barely retained any items and there was literally no point in using the smith.

Great deck builder game, had a lot of fun with it.