I don't think I will ever find a more satisfying gameplay experience, owing to discovering fromsoft games as the first few serious games I played. I quite like the story even though it's nothing exceptional, it ties in well with the game's structure and mechanics. Easily my favourite game for now.

The GOAT - but accounting for inflation it's just pretty good

I only read Rein but I read Fata + Requiem before anyway and the statpad is vital
So yeah it was much more than I expected and it didn't handle some aspects well but it's overwhelmingly positive. Didn't take some distrarous directions I expected, idk why I expected that because it's been competent writing since the beginning. Anyway I rambled, pretty good conclusion 9/10
The rating's only for rein

Some things held it back but overall moved me

Creative exploration of the psychologies of two video game developers, what it means to play games, make games and so much more. It felt like a real story until I did some research, but the fact that it isn't real and all the nuance and complexity added without me noticing on first play is just amazing.

A really fun adventure in an open world that you can take at your own pace but it's still very satisfying and rewarding, not only at the ending but that's the biggest part. I reopened the game a week or so after finishing to finish some of the side quests and it's really fun to just glide or run around when so much was a struggle before. I checked some walkthroughs and I definitely didn't explore everything nor do I intend to, but I still got a great experience.

Revolutionary and a breath of fresh air

Not Pokemon and certainly not go

It's a collection of games and not a game in itself but some of these games are things I've spent hundreds of hours on and love a lot.

More suffering, boy did I have fun here. While I felt a lesser thematic impact, it is better paced, explores the main two very well and ultimately made me love them more. The side stories are great, the first one is food for my soul. Fragment is a brilliant conclusion/epilogue and I'm satisfied, at least until I play rein

Love the themes and soundtrack(basically the only two things a story needs to hit)
Pretty graphic heavy and the point and click games get repetitive sometimes. It's hard to always make the right choices but nevertheless fun to do it right. Sou GOAT

It's pretty good although repetitive. Context makes it easier to digest but seeing the same thing play out 4 different times with slightly different circumstances was kinda tiring. Ange in episode 4 was great

Fun online place to play Pokemon with others online without worrying about exactly doing the stats and stuff. It gets a bit repetitive with the same 10 meta mons in every tier but it's fine otherwise. I like when creative teams and strategy are used to pull off wins against meta garbage

Not the most fun thing in the world