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1 day ago

Nanaya abandoned Axelay
It's cool, I just suck at shmups.

1 day ago

Nanaya finished Majuu-ou
Pretty cool sidescroller with a rad dark fantasy theme. It's short and changes up your abilities with every stage which was nice.

1 day ago

Lead followed Zguvat

1 day ago

1 day ago

Nanaya is now playing Majuu-ou

1 day ago

Nanaya abandoned Holy Umbrella: Dondera no Mubou!!
Very cute setup and presentation bogged down by very dull gameplay. Protagonist-kun should do his goofy strut a tad faster.

1 day ago

Nanaya finished Urban Reign
What a ride this one is. It's kind of hard to judge because one mission I would be having the time of my life cracking skulls with my boy Chris in the most exhilarating beat-em-up combat system I've seen and in the next mission I would be pulling my hair out as I get stunlocked by 3 enemies and my partner flops around in the corner like a newborn. Boss fights feel blatantly unfair because they get armor when they use their stat-boosting special and I don't and they can just choose to break my grapples whenever they please so it can be extremely frustrating. I never want to see Golem again for as long as I live. Otherwise though it's certainly a great game and it can be a real joy to play when things go right.

2 days ago

ousamadave commented on kaijuu's list invenção
drakengard é meio jairo ferreira carlos reinchenbach mesmo

2 days ago

2 days ago

Lead followed F0rceWielder

2 days ago

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