21 Reviews liked by Hena

i finished this game a few months ago, but i never logged it lmao. it was good and i like how ambitious it was. it always seemed to be trying something new.

Some years ago I watched an anime recommended by a friend, liked it pretty much.
Then he told me that there was a deeper meaning in it
Something that only those who know can relate to.
I was not part of the targeted people, because of my lack of culture in the genre. And with his help I came to realize what an iceberg I was missing out.
The shows doesn't tell you anything, it whispers only to those who are worthy and I genuinely appreciated the result of me questionning my own "knowing".

But this time, while playing NieR Automata, a game released 5 years ago, I came to relate everything the story tells, I feel related to the work, to the story, to the characters, minor as they were, all while being under the spell of the magnificent achievement of Keiichi Okabe's beautiful music that was quietly telling a story (this game doesn't stop at being itself, I only played NieR Automata but I felt the echoes of Yoko Taro teasing me through the game to enter in his world).

This, the deeper meaning, the thing.
I loved it, I was finally part of THE community.
It was as if this game was here for me to play it at this exact time and this time only. A consecration of my past experience in all of the media that I witnessed.
It may sound ludicrous, I may come back to my word later. But as it is now, I seriously had my fun playing NieR Automata !

The sorrow of a thousand thousand worlds weighs heavy, and yet, you can walk on.

Endwalker is a tale of loss, of fire, and faith, a journey of self discovery and enlightment, teaching us to value life and to find joy even in the deepest and darkest of despair.

What people live for ? What give their lives... meaning ?

From time immemorial, Man had always tried to answer this question. But a single and simple answer it seems not to be, so when striken by sorrow, rage, despair or hatred, Man faced harsh reality and came to curse life itself. Overwhelmed by negative feelings, he deemed the pursuit of power, only to become the architect of his own demise. Indeed, doomed by the failure of finding happiness, he seek deliverance in death or conflict with others.

Our existence seem pointless, life is fleeting and hardships are an inescapable part of it.

Yet I have faith in Mankind's potential. As long as he believes in himself, there is naught he cannot achieve, so I will not give up on him. On us.

But there is so much more that life has to offer. It's because we have known death, failure and frustration that we have learned and grown from them. That we might find love, friendships, ambition and hope. No happiness is without its shadows, each and every single one of us abideth pain within but by offering understanding and acceptance, we can forge ahead in the darkness and becoming a light to guide others.

We too are miracles, each and every one of us. Born of the warm breath of life that traverses the heavens, swirling through eternity.

Never a game as poured that much of love onto us, lifting us up everytime we faltered. The boundless love of mankind that transpires from the overall message of the story is particularly vibrant nowadays looking at certain circumstances. All of us are worthy to exist and our fate remains ours to shape.

.. Here, at the end of all stars, engulfed in despair, despite all that I've done, would you still take my hand.. ?

There, Beneath the light of a new dawn, where the hopes and dreams of our friends shapes the path to follow, despite all that I've done, Would you still be my friend ?

For those we have lost, for those we can yet save.
For those whose dreams were unfulfilled, those whose prayers were unheard, those whose labors were unrewarded.


Has your journey been good ? Has it been worthwile ?

It was the best one, I can't deny that.

This is only an hour and a half long so won’t say anything too specific, but The Beginner’s Guide is not really a game so much as a story about how people interpret art.

In this case, it’s through playing these unfinished Source levels that we try to find some underlying meaning behind their creation. And as short as it is, it ended up being something pretty powerful and hit me much harder than I expected.