One of the best indie games i've played.The story is very intriguing and hooks you from the start.As you try to solve the many mysteries of the game, you start to realise the horror that you have made yourself fall into.In my opinion the most exciting part was the beginning of the game but it has so much stuff to do and see that I can't stop appreciating how much work has been put to it.The many aspects and details of the game,the plotpoints and the mysteries that lurk in every corner are truly one of a kind and amplify the uniqueness that surrounds this incredible game.

The world was colourful and the pixel art was nice with the story making me want to know more about the fateful day at the start of the game and how it came to be.Having said that,the matches being the factor that should carry the game couldn't prevent me from giving it up.The moves felt a bit restricting and the whole gameplay setup in the matches seemed like you were playing a retro title rather than a modern one.Its such a shame because the idea seemed promising but i believe it wasn't executed correctly.

Some of the most original and fun 5-second minigames I have ever played.

A fun little espionage game with a delightful art style to pass your time.

I loved the action sequences very much which is what makes Uncharted so fun.The characters have realistic reactions and their relationships make this game very exciting to play.Sully especially carries the game.

A fun platformer with lots of weapons and humorous characters.The gameplay is solid but the things that set it back are the most infuriating checkpoints I have ever seen along with some random fps drops.

A nice action platformer shoot-em-up with amazing pixel art and so much action it will keep you on the edge of your seat at all times.I couldn't stop hunting down gangs feeling like an actual bounty hunter.This game is non-stop adrenaline with big guns and mean boss fights.

A fun movement shooter with tough levels and incredible design.

A fascinating story told through incredible artwork.

A very fun rts game which got my interest in the Warhammer 40k mythos.

This is a game that I started but didn't finish and left it for a long time in the stack.Now that I completed it I can surely say that it was a great experience.For me,the thing that carries the game are the characters themselves.Each and every one of them felt crucial to the experience that is the witcher.Their actions and their interactions with each other gave the game realism and contributed to the amalgamation of high stakes.The story was also great and even though some quests didn't shine like others I enjoyed the whole adventure(the bloody baron quest especially was phenomenal).Another great addition was how your choices affected greatly the outcome of the game which made you even more invested in the story and made you want to see how it would continue from there.In my opinion,the gameplay was solid even though I feel it was lacking in certain aspects and felt very bland after a while.Overall,the game was a great rpg with action,drama and all the elements you need for a good story.

A great expansion that creates a very compelling plot which breathes new air to an already well established game.It has one of my favourite characters in the game and generally great characters who just continually upgrades the experience.I also love the theories that surround him.

Platforming and shooting was good.Although its short, play it if you have time to spare.

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Even though I liked Hearts of Stone more I can't deny the depth and incredible new stuff that Blood and Wine brings to the table.It felt like playing a different game,I really adore that the game followed a serial killer-type plot which I believe goes very well with the whole idea of a witcher.Regis was a very interesting character taking the part of the intellectual monster trying to control his instincts and I feel bad for him that I made him kill his best friend and exiled him from his fellow vampires.
B.B. was another great character and I liked every second with him,I wish we could have gotten more of him,I also liked the addition of a home which you could customize as you see fit.

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The game didn't lived up to my expectations.The characters seemed all the same,never expressing any feelings and they felt like they were puppets with no emotions.The story was confusing and all over the place,to the point where not even the characters knew what was going on by the end.The gameplay and the varius weapons were fun to use even if some were useless by the end of the game and some considerably more powerful than the others.The enemies had pretty cool designs and the art direction was a success but overall the game couldn't prevent me from feeling like it was a chore to complete it.All in all,I believe that some of the ideas were very interesting but the game couldn't deliver them in a satisfying way either because the gameplay became pale most of the time or it couldn't decide if it was a horror or an action game.