Jon Moxley blades every time the word "fun" is used to describe this game in lieu of any other positive qualifiers. Should've been better, because consoles need a wrestling series that isn't 2K. Competition should breed innovation - but I don't think this will.

Three of the best sci-fi games ever made and their expansions all in one place, with fantastic modding on PC and very few changes that actually detract from the experience? Sign me up.

The Renegade "just a bitta cheeky banta innit mate, don't step out of line around me" to "I am responsible for four and a half counts of galactic genocide and my friends are acceptable casualties" pipeline is real

The SSV Daddy Issues sets sail across the galaxy to get dark and emotional all over everyone's asses. Get forced to join a terrorist group! Reunite with old friends, and marvel at how much you like your new ones! Perpetrate corporate espionage, conduct shootouts and commit war crimes on a galactic scale! Scan planets, probe Uranus!

The industry needs more Jane Jensens

When Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is interesting, it's madness. Some of the strangest FMV - rather, PowerPoint slideshow - things put on disc. Otherwise it's an illegible mess that goes in circles and doesn't make sense.

An ancient evil awakens, and I go to sleep.


Charming and interesting to play, but ultimately more memorable for Phil Fish's antics than the game itself.

Bring back Cate Archer, this was fantastic. Gadgets, guns, worldbuilding and very funny writing - I need it.

Jean-Luc Cougar of SCAT wanders through a bland complex of grey and brown, the magnets in his back allowing him to stick to walls as if he were a spider, while his team of many men are killed off one by one. Can be so annoying to play due to odd controls, but for some reason the sound effects have stuck in my head for years after playing it.

Certainly looks nice, but out of the many rereleases of Rayman 2, I just prefer the original.

A much better console Sims game than the first one or the Urbz.

An early 2000s Sleeping Dogs, but worse in every conceivable way. Props go to the absolutely fucking insane plot, though.

This roster is absolutely stacked, first appearance of my boy Drew McIntyre too.

I LOVE the concept of a zombie outbreak aboard a cruise liner, that is so good. That said, Dead Aim is a bit of a drag. Certainly better than Survivor, and it does look pretty decent today. A hybrid of RE and lightguns, it excels at neither aspect.