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Cvit reviewed Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Its really good, the final hours of this expansion are all gas no breaks and its extremely satisfying. Probably the most pacing issues i had with any of the expansion since heavensward. I don't know how to say it without coming off like an asshole but there are a few section in this game that just go on way too long. They are overly wordy for things that could be summarized in 2 sentences but are told over 15. There are a ton of really incredible moments throughout the expansion that are super memorable but they then follow huge droughts of boring shit or world building that starts off interesting but really overstays its welcome. The most up and down expansion for me but the highs of this one are the best.

Emotionally Shadowbringers landed way harder and is by far my favorite but god damn did this expansion give everyone but thancred a super memorable character moment. He got his in the last expansion but it sucks to see him be basically relegated to being a background piece for most of this expansion despite being there and not one of the party who sits this adventure out like the others alternate doing in the previous 3. He is in this awkward middle ground where they clearly wanted him to die in the previous expansion at the end of his big moment but kept him alive. So now he is basically dead because he has nothing to do or say but gets to still be enjoyed by people who love his character since he will stand there and say a line or two everyone once in a while and wink at your character in the ending. There inability to kill off any of the actual important and built up characters does make this one sequence have a lot less impact because i know these motherfuckers aren't dead who are you kidding.

I think i need some time to sit on it but right now i think my tierlist for the expansions is
Shadowbringers > Stormblood = Endwalker > Heavensward.

Excited for dawntrail but idk what they are gonna do to keep me engaged after having what is basically the ending of the game.

7 hrs ago

Cvit finished Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Its really good, the final hours of this expansion are all gas no breaks and its extremely satisfying. Probably the most pacing issues i had with any of the expansion since heavensward. I don't know how to say it without coming off like an asshole but there are a few section in this game that just go on way too long. They are overly wordy for things that could be summarized in 2 sentences but are told over 15. There are a ton of really incredible moments throughout the expansion that are super memorable but they then follow huge droughts of boring shit or world building that starts off interesting but really overstays its welcome. The most up and down expansion for me but the highs of this one are the best.

Emotionally Shadowbringers landed way harder and is by far my favorite but god damn did this expansion give everyone but thancred a super memorable character moment. He got his in the last expansion but it sucks to see him be basically relegated to being a background piece for most of this expansion despite being there and not one of the party who sits this adventure out like the others alternate doing in the previous 3. He is in this awkward middle ground where they clearly wanted him to die in the previous expansion at the end of his big moment but kept him alive. So now he is basically dead because he has nothing to do or say but gets to still be enjoyed by people who love his character since he will stand there and say a line or two everyone once in a while and wink at your character in the ending. There inability to kill off any of the actual important and built up characters does make this one sequence have a lot less impact because i know these motherfuckers aren't dead who are you kidding.

I think i need some time to sit on it but right now i think my tierlist for the expansions is
Shadowbringers > Stormblood = Endwalker > Heavensward.

Excited for dawntrail but idk what they are gonna do to keep me engaged after having what is basically the ending of the game.

7 hrs ago

Cvit finished Pokémon Violet
Failed by its presentation which is often very awful. Probably the most engaged i've been with a pokemon game's story in a minute. I was surprised how much i liked the cast and story.

6 days ago

11 days ago

Cvit finished Gears of War 2
A much better put together game than the first one but also a lot more streamlined compared to the first. Where 1 feels like its throwing darts at the wall and sees what will stick. 2 is a lot more of a straight forward Point A to Point B action game. There isn't anything particularly wrong with that but its an observation i want to make and keep in mind with my replay of the series and see if the memory of "the series slowly devolved into and lost its identity to the pop culture idea of itself" is actually true. Gears exists in pop culture and memes as the dude bro action game for beer guzzling frat boys but you see in the first two games they are trying to be more than that. Sure its still filled with stuff put in the game because the devs thought it was cool, which is a design philosphy i am all for. But it tries to have more of a story than but some of it goes by so fast that it comes off comedic.

You spend an entire game trying to prevent the sinking of a city only for Marcus to hear a single voice recorded sentence of his father saying they should sink Jacinto and he is now going "we have to sink the city before they do." It looks and sounds stupid because its a complete 180 in a matter of seconds after hours of build up in the opposite direction. When you stop and think about it the idea makes sense. Marcus is a man that has been consumed by a world at war for 15 years and if this is the hail mary to stop it in one fell swoop he is gonna take it, for the good of humanity even if its a very difficult decision to make. As said by Adam Fenix in the game "end the war at the cost of humanity's last refuge"

To go back to the topic of Gears slowly leaning in to the memes of itself and morphing into the games everyone thought they were there is no better example of this than Marcus's voice performance by John DiMaggio. This was one of if not the biggest thing parodied at the time of the series peak in cultural relevance. In this first game his performance is a lot more subdued but in 2 DiMaggio is a lot more gruff sounding. He is putting a lot of tension on the muscles of his throat to give his voice this gravely texture to it which results in Marcus sounding a lot more aggressive. I can't say for certain what was the cause of the change in direction and if it caused more parody and memeing than what already existed but it definitely felt like it didn't help and was a sign of where the series was being steered towards.

Overall a good game if not a little bit more forgettable in areas than 1 because its mostly just hallway fight after hallway fight. Excited to replay 3 which was my favorite

13 days ago

Cvit commented on Cvit's review of Gears of War 3
the dudes still playing on the xbox 360 are too fucking good man i was looking at the respawn timer most of the match lol

13 days ago

Cvit reviewed Gears of War
A very interesting look back on this game since its the one that really set the trends of the 7th gen for 3rd person shooters for the most part. It feels a lot more like a 6th gen adventure game than you probably remember compared to the later installments. Way more rough around the edges than I ever realized back in the day. The framerate is awful, the visuals flicker and blur all the time thanks to unreal 3, its buggy as fuck. But the online still works in 2024 which i couldn't believe initially. Its charming in how earnest a lot of the shit in this game is. A bunch of stuff feels like it was put in there because the devs thought it was cool as hell and you know what, i agree. Gears is cool and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

14 days ago

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