The story was absolute WACK, and the missions where boring as hell, the boss fights and last missions were fun and iconic though.

Nero's combat is meh, until you unlock his Devil form AFTER you beat the game... Dante is fun to play especially Royal Guard which is broken, his Sin Devil Trigger is epic too. V is different but I personally don't like his combat. But VERGIL is amazing, his moveset is so fun, easily the best DMC gameplay mechanics.

I give this game 3/5 but for the MOTIVATION and POWER Vergil gave me, I give it a 4/5.

Music is bumping though, lots of good tracks like BURY THE LIGHT DEEP WITHINN


I played this on the HD collection, graphically wise it looked like the textures had been upscaled, and the framerate was solid 60fps. Now to get to the gameplay...

I honestly thought it wasn't too bad, it was that repetitive, I really liked the Devil Trigger mechanic with each transformation of each weapon, but I wish there was more weapons to try out. I also wish there were more cutscenes or dialog from dante. The story itself isn't too bad, it had some emotional moments, the ending was really badass but the same time that final boss is bullshit, its like bullet hell game with that many lasers you have to dodge.

Honestly the most SPARDA game in the DMC series, especially the end. The music was bumpin too. Not too bad for a PS2 game, the dungeons were cool to explore too, only got lost like twice

I thought this game looked really beautiful, it uses a more realistic looking engine, the PC version is unoptimized so some frame stutters and drops happen, unless you install Special K which makes it more smooth. I had about 7 crashes during my playthrough, which really ruined the vibe. But atleast this game has autosaves too.

The story is really good, I like how it introduces another Dragon, and the Majima Saga is really Heartwarming. One thing I didn't like was the gameplay being too bland, the EXP system is divided into 5 sections or so, you get EXP by fighting and eating, but I just don't like this method of dividing skills to different XP points. And they removed styles which means you have limited combo movesets until you upgrade.

The ending was really intense, there is a lot of "always has been" moments like that one astronaut meme, they love give defeated people guns so they shoot an important character... it's like the main characters don't remove every weapon near a dangerous person...

Overall really good game, not as good as 0, but its good.

After Backlogging this game for a while, I finally had the motivation to finish it. There are a couple of reasons why I avoided this game for a while...

The Start: Really frustrating and lack of skills and arsenals early game is demotivating. It just wasn't that fun Until I unlocked Ichimonji and good prosthetics. The fanbase of Souls games will always use "Get Gud" when you say a game is too hard. But this game is legit really DIFFICULT. There is no stat upgrading using souls, you upgrade your health with discoverable items and attack power by using memories of defeated bosses.

You either learn the PRECISE timing of parrying and mechanics or you can't beat the game. Some of the bosses are just so fast and hard to parry... I did enjoy the story and the scenery, navigating around was really dogshit, I hate when games have terrible navigation.

So honestly, you need to either have Godlike reflexes, or a souls fan to enjoy and finish this game.

Honestly it was fun especially the 4 different combats, but we all know Kiryu is the best one obviously, what made me so annoyed is the annoying lock on system, its so clunky,. Story was neat how 4 fates intertwined, but the immense amount of plot convenience and inconsistency is horrible.

I have defeated this one annoying ass person who is basically the villian, let me NOT subjugate them fully so they may wake up and shoot someone with a gun that just happens to be in the vicinity of them

Fucking dumass, you need to make sure they're down for good, and why are you just letting a fully loaded and armed gun near them? Oh well, once you play Yakuza 0 (God Tier Game) you just notice the horrible quality of some of these Yakuza games.

Childhood Classic what can I say?

Ada is so hot, great story mode.

I am very glad that the final game in this trilogy was the best, Lightning Returns is not as big as the other two games, but the writing and questing system was really amazing. The ATB Battle System was the most fun with the Overclock mechanic.

The music is amazing as always, the story and characters were well written, Lightning is a true example on how to write a good strong female protagonist.

+Improved Battle System
+Beautiful Music
+Nice Explorable Areas
+Lightning is Best Girl
+Nice Open-Zone world
+Challenging Bosses for NG+ or NG+++
+PC port did not need fixing like previous two games

-Majora's Mask type of gameplay, in-game clock is always running and you can only stop time with Chronostasis Ability, which requires Energy Points. You can extend days left by doing Main Quests + Side Quests

-Normal Mode is almost like hard mode for first time players, just play on Easy mode to enjoy the game

-Encounter rate gets annoying sometimes

Conclusion: If you're a Square Enix/Final Fantasy Fan, and you completed most of the good games, then you might want to play this Trilogy. While it isn't as good as FF7 or FFX, it is enjoyable when you try your best to understand the story.

I loved the story and characters in X so much that I couldn't wait to play X-2 and see what Journey Yuna, Riku, and Paine would have. I was surprised to see how different this game is than the original, both the gameplay and narrative are different and maybe that's why most people don't like this game.

Is the Story good : It was enjoyable, had great humor, and a nice conclusion to some of the characters. I just have this MAJOR criticism, and it's about the RIDICULOUS Perfect ending requirement as it needs 100% Story Completion, and to attain that on the first playthrough it's pretty much impossible without a guide. Even then it's still difficult, lots of things that can be missed. But the Good and Perfect endings wrap up the story very well for Yuna.

Is the Music good : It was alright, not as GOOD as the 10's music, but its nice.

Is the Gameplay good : The gameplay mechanic for X-2 is based on dresspheres, which are equipable and changeable outfits with different abilities, I liked it myself. But another criticism I have is the ANNOYING Trophies like defeating the boss under Bevelle, "Via Infinito" is an ATROCIOUS dungeon, 100 Copy Pasted Floors with some good bosses in it.

Overall, it was a great game and people who couldn't handle the depression after X's ending, then you should go for the GOOD ending, which has a few missable steps. X and X-2 are games I will never forget, absolutely amazing Final Fantasy games!

X-2 LAST MISSION is a complete joke of a game, the gameplay is horrible, and only reason you'd climb 80 floors of generated nonesense is for the achievements. You can just watch the cutscenes on youtube if you're not a trophy hunter... The story is nice but not worth that gameplay

This game was amazing, the atmosphere, location, enemies, graphics, music, everything was top notch. I did play the original and I see how it improved 100%. There isn't much for me to complain other than the enemies are sponges for bullets, you run out of ammo and basically every regular item fast. You can be like me and run past a lot of the enemies lol.

Ada is so badass and hot, but her Voice actor is different from the RE2 Remake and that kinda threw me off, I hear alot of complains on how she sounds bored all the time and I can agree, but its not terrible voice acting. Ada literally carries the crucial plot moments.

The two enemies that scared the shit out of me were the Verdugo and the Regenerator, those two shits were so horrifying... I enjoyed every boss fight this game is awesome it gets a 9/10 for me.

Masterpiece, samurai simulator with deep rich story, and amazing combat and open world.

Nice additive story, and characters/ost/dialog. And remasters

WOOOOOO, ADACHI ADACHI. Really good game, took the the #1 fav persona game for me. I used to have Persona 3 on #1 but the 245 levels of repetitiveness got old... The entire P4G Experience was delightful, if they remake P3 and tartarus it will be #1

Classic game for spiderman fans

BOIIIII, this game is considered to be a reboot of the original series, alot of fans have been complaining of repetitive gameplay. Santa Monica decides to take kratos and give him a fresh start in the Norse world, kratos and his new son atreus begin making their way to the highest peak in all the realms to spread the ashes of krato's wife. The journey is amazing and you get to see kratos and his son bond together through hardships.