Neat roguelite deckbuilder, cool theme and art style, it doesn't revolutionize the formula, but it's definitely among the good games in this overcrowded genre.

Decent game, some may find it charming, but it's not my thing.
Gameplay-wise I think it lacks some polish, the controls are a bit unresponsive, but that doesn't mean it's completely bad.
Also I'm not a big fan of the soundtrack. The art direction is what really shines here.

Solid turn-based roguelike, the combat system with its dice mechanic is challenging and fun. There is a enough variety of chimeras, equipment and tokens that, combined with the dice customization, allows for various strategies.
The presentation is good, the UI is intuitive and clean, the sounds, the art style, all the artistic elements are well put together.

Go play Katana Zero, it has a better narrative and a much more enjoyable pace

aside from the great pixel art and responsive controls, I didn't have much fun, I didn't like most of the skills and weapons. The game lacks more content in general, as a roguelite I expected more enemies, more dungeons, more interesting skills, more satisfying progression systems... more fun.

not perfect, but the best final fantasy, in its best version

honey, I shrunk the kids: the game

So this is the feeling of playing a 30's cartoon

This game is fun... for about a third of its duration, then you realize it's not.
I get the game difficulty premise, but it doesn't respect your time as a player. After a dozen of hours, the slow progression only adds to the unnecessary repetition of dungeons to get resources and xp to level up your characters, this got me really tired, the game becomes pure monotonous and tedious grind, and it only gets worse in the endgame, especially if some character dies. But I accepted the challenge, and boy, it was a slog to finish.