despite suffering basically from the same problems as Sam's DLC, I'll give it 0.5 stars more because Wolf is such a good boi πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί

You know, if they are going to make the players go through recycled stages and bosses, but absurdly buffed just to increase the duration of the DLC, then it would be better if they had made it just about being able to play as Sam in the normal campaign instead of Raiden.
Anyway, Sam's backstory πŸ‘

Player: walks towards enemy
Camera: β¬…β†˜β¬†β†–β†™β†•β†ͺβ†”β¬…βž‘β†©β†—β¬‡β€΄β¬†β€΅.
But heck yeah, cyborg twink slashing other cyborgs with badass music!!!

Cool game for those who always use those apps to help organize their routine.
The spritework isn't appealing, but it is enough for its purpose.

This game is an interesting platform-action RPG. It still has lots of potential to be developed, but because of KOG, the owner of Grand Chase, it's slowly walking into its own demise, again.
I swear, the release of the character Decane made lots of people get back into playing this, but after that update, they, for some incomprehensible reason, decided to release the lamest updates ever. And the result of that? All the player base was gone again.
KOG really doesn't know what they're doing.

it's a nihilistic experience that everyone should go through

After the accident that MMX7 was, MMX8 managed to bounce back greatly.
While redesigning the characters, this game also introduces new characters and bring back some... Older ones (decently this time). And with that, manages to refresh the series alongside its 3D graphics.
I won't lie, it was cool to finally hear dubbing with a decent quality in a MM game after playing so many since a kid πŸ™
In general, we could consider this game a rebirth of the MMX series, after what MMX6 and MMX7 were for the fans, but well, from its rebirth to this day, MMX is a series about to be brought back, or not, by Capcom.
If I were to consider the factor fun and the polishment, this one would easily be the best of the MMX series for me.

I can't express how much I aged while trying to 100% this game just for the sake of saying "I did".
While playing this fucking piece of shit there wasn't a SINGLE moment that I wasn't thinking about what was happening in Capcom while they were pooping this game. HOW THE HELL DO YOU MAKE A GAME WITH THAT MANY FLAWS AND DECIDE TO RELEASE IT????W?WW There isn't ANY reason for this game to exist, we can literally call it an accident.
Also Red has such a cool design (at least for the idea) and the writers made him so dirty 😭😭 Anyway, be welcome Axl.

This is the most fun game of the MMX series and I won't prolong myself about this subject.
The story is cool and we get to know a bit of Alia past, adding a bit of depth for her character.
Also I love to hid myself to try repairing myself πŸ’―πŸ’―

"... as long as I have this saber..."

Oh boy, I loved this game when I was a kid, it was honestly my favorite of the MMX series. Revisiting it while doing 100% showed me that it was really, really far alway from the quality I saw as a kid.
Being supposed to be the last one of the MMX series, this game implements a new mechanic linked to the story. After defeating each stage, a counter decreases by 1, leaving the player closer to the bad ending of the game.
I won't lie, I loved this countdown mechanic as a kid, it gave the story such a sense of hurry, it's incredible. Well, but now, I can see how they made it fucked up by making your progress be decided by RNG, and fucking up another new mechanic from this game, the Parts system, which are badly explained and only works after certain time of gameplay has passed, thus making the player loses permanently some parts.
The level design is poor sometimes, and with them - I see that they tried to innovate implementing different mechanics for each stage, but man, they are so dumb, also Alia is so annoying 😩 (and I hate you, Duff mcWhalen stage)
Being sincere, the story of this one, at least, is one of the best between the MMX series, it would've been a great send off to the MMZ series, that if we disregard what Keiji Inafune planned with X 🀫
And well, let's not forget that it was supposed to be the last game, and they didn't even invested in anime cutscenes πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ˜‘πŸ‘Ί


Wooooo, graphical evolution in the (almost) same style of MM8!!!
The story this time revolves around a war between the Maverick Hunters and Repliforce, and, honestly, it's kinda sad how they missed the oportunity of this war being something more than just a silly plot of a MM game. I would've loved so much if they could give at least a little bit of development for we to actually like them. We basically start the game with the war already, it's so dumb 😭
And, FINALLY, we get to play as Zero πŸ™πŸ™ (No, MMX3 never happened, you just woke up from a fever dream) It was such a GREAT addition to this franchise being able to choose another character that will not just jump, shoot and dash, it invigorates the game completely, while at the same time adding replay value.
Overall, this game removes the lots of mechanics that were developed since MMX, and they took advantage of it to polish this game the most they could. And honestly? It was worth.

MMX3 follows the way MMX2 was building, adding some more minor mechanics, but excluding other nice details, in this one specifically, we literally lost the enemies diversity. By playing the first stage you'll easily find 80% of the enemies of the entire game.
And well, yea, why the hell is MMX3 so stupidly difficult?
We get to play with Zero in this game, but at the same time we must not. Stay alway from playing with him if you want to 100% this game. This is a friendly warning.
Oh cool and Vile is back. Oh no he is gone already. Hope that in 5 games they discover how to utilize you decently πŸ€”
Anyway, this game sucks. Did I say already that MMX3 is stupidly difficult?
(also the PS1 version with the anime cutscenes is so cool)

Continuing the story, MMX2 removes some of the nice details that MMX had, but at the same time adds new mechanics. Well, at least for me, I find it more enjoyable than the 1st one.

A great evolution from the classic MegaMan games.
Besides the changes of the graphical style, we have also a great change on the gameplay, allowing to player to experience the stages with more action and in different ways.
The story gets more mature, introducing us to a world 100 years after the where classic games takes place, and, finally, we can feel like that the story will decently move forward without the same formula of story. Well, almost.
This game has lots of cool details that enrich the gameplay, the one I most love certainly is the fact that by defeating one boss, you can affect how the stage of another one will work. Making the playthrough of each person be quite unique.
It's a great start for this series, although, honestly, I never clicked with, dunno why.

The MegaMan 8 style got back, now adapted for the Game Boy Advance console.
I won't lie, this game took the lack of difficulty the MM8 had, and thus we have a VERY, VERY DIFFICULT game, being sincere, I don't know if it would have been easier if played it in the time I've played MM1, but maaan... I do consider this harder than MM1 (if MM1 was well done).
Besides the great difficult, here we can play with Bass (this was released before MM10), yay! His gameplay is very different from MegaMan, with him, we can actually dash, as X and Zero can, we can double jump, and we fire fast quick shots instead of charge, as somesort machine-gun.
Anyway, I would probably try to play this again if I could, but because of the difficulty I wouldn't even touch MegaMan.
Go Bass πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰