equal to persona 3 (amazing 10/10 some of my favourite characters ever)

2nd best yakuza game (0 is the best) that i've played. Holy shit that final boss is so amazing. The combat in this game is my favourite out of yakuza so far and it just feels so smooth to play, you also get rewarded for really thinking about what you're about to do instead of button mashing. The story is phenomenal and I love the overall theme. Haruka's chapter was good but not amazing like all the other chapters. I love shinada

Top 3 yakuza story but the gameplay really drags it down. It's still really good gameplay but nowhere up to par with the rest of yakuza. It was especially jarring right after playing the yakuza with the best combat (y5). The combat becomes very fun once Kiryu is fully levelled but that shouldn't be endgame only. The final boss felt amazing though especially because of the scene preceding it.

This game is really beautiful and at some points is better than kiwami 2 visually. Onomichi is a really cool looking location, I wish there was more to do there though. My favourite part about this game visually though is Kamurocho. I could probably spend an hour just walking around looking at the really cool sights and details all over the map. W sweat physics dragon engine.

I think the ending was amazing and was near perfect I was spoiled for a big plot point because of LAD:G's existence but it still hit the same for me. The main characters in this game are so compelling and have their own motives that make sense and are very human.

9/10 better than yakuza 3,4 and kiwami 2

The first few chapters drag a small bit but the rest is amazing, the plot makes sense even with how massive it is and uncovering the story is really entertaining. Also the final boss is amazing and one of my favourites in yakuza.

The first few chapters drag a small bit but the rest is amazing, the plot makes sense even with how massive it is and uncovering the story is really entertaining. Also the final boss is amazing and one of my favourites in yakuza. The combat is very fun, intricate and is my 2nd favourite in the series. Very excited to play LJ later today.

on par with judgment. Both are amazing games and i prefer judgment's story to lost judgment but still both amazing. Lost judgment has even better combat somehow and its probably some of my favourite ever.

I wish sugiura stayed a bit mysterious because i don't think he's great in this game. Kaito kinda gets sidelined which is one of my main complaints but i've heard kaito files is amazing. Some chapters are very uneventful and i think there is a bit too much talking. Other than that it's an amazing game

This game has one of the best yakuza stories in the whole series and Ichiban is such a loveable character. The amount of side content in this game is insane and my only complaint about that side content is that the main story is so amazing i forget to do substories. the combat isnt the greatest but it's still fun. The first 3/4 of the game is really easy but the last 1/4 is really hard even after grinding a certain place. All the new characters are so enjoyable to watch and they couldn't have done a better job of establishing the new era of like a dragon. (would have preferred brawler combat tho)

The last quarter of this game is peak yakuza (My favourite final boss in the whole series and top 5 in gaming) but some of the stuff near the start-middle is quite disjointed. But when it picks up it does it really well. Surprisingly for a game made in 6 months it has some really great side content (mostly because I have shit attention span and liked the short encounters) with a really fun side story featuring 2 spin-off characters. The combat is a little janky but i still thought it was fun. I really liked the new agent style but I just wish it did more damage and worked better on bosses. I dislike how a lot of the dod style is charge up abilities as i feel they are kinda cheap and make it flow worse. overall a great game with some new interesting characters. Side note: the final villain has a really great motive which makes his boss fight even better.