Cornerstone of my childhood, the main reason why I fell in love with MMOs

I want to play it more often but I got into a Versus game once with randoms and got flamed and kicked out of the game so I just dont play it that often anymore

It was still one of the cornerstones of my childhood though

This game is the biggest example of a honeymoon phase wearing off because once it does, you realize that it fucking sucks and it has little to no remarkable things that other games in its genre have done better in terms of open worlds, gameplay, and especially Storytelling.

And now I have to live with the fact that it shows up among my most played games in PSN, this is god's punishment to me.

But the music is still phenomenal so thats why I'm giving it a star and a half.

For as much as I love Classic Fallout, this was the title I just couldn't get into, and somehow I get the feeling I'm not missing much

This review was written before the game released

Opened up the game and just got ads to buy more Shark Cash Cards for GTA Online, fucking hell Rockstar, you did it again

Faith offered me what I absolutely adore the most on the Horror genre: overwhelming atmosphere while avoiding its reliance in jumpscares, while at the same time delivering an intriguing story that pulls no punches to develop before your eyes, while I think that its commitment to being a retro-looking game can make it a bit frustrating sometimes, the good things generally outweighs the bad ones.


Overall I enjoyed my time with the game, specially with its very creative boss fights that motivate you to experiment with different types of projectiles, the amazing music that is 100% my jam, and the beautiful artstyle makes this game not hard to recommend, if the difficulty didnt feel a bit inconsistent at times, and the run and gun levels werent so fucking dogshit, this would be an easy 5 star game

I have no hurry on playing the DLC though lmao

So cool of them to include a game with this Metal Album

Really fun shooter with extremely smooth movement, but not having any new gameplay features introduced as the campaign goes on made me glad the game is as short as it is, because otherwise it would really overstay its welcome

Great deckbuilding game, great atmosphere, great music + great story team up together to beat up the weak third act before the finale, and that's pretty much all I can say without spoilers, but nothing in this game is what it seems and it's just a lovely way of breaking the fourth wall

Leshy did nothing wrong

It feels fantastic to finally get to play this game after three years of waiting for it since it was first announced, and it feels even better to know that waiting paid off more than I could've imagined.

It tells one of the most emotionally intense stories that I've seen in media in recent years from beginning to end, with fantastic characters, exciting music, bombastic boss fights and satisfying gameplay, and a beautiful overarching theme that made me appreciate the entire cast and the interactions between them. It is kind of difficult to talk about the story without getting into spoilers or without having a specific topic about it to do so, but by the moment I was looking at the credits rolling, it made me think of why I love this franchise so much.

However I'm not blind to the flaws of the game, like the game being guilty of being to easy, being a very lackluster RPG, Torgal not being impactful enough in the gameplay despite being the goodest boye, and of course, the elephant in the room, the Sidequests being the biggest mixed bag of quality with very few worth doing, placed to awkwardly tank the pacing on the best moments of the game.

However, in the end, it turned out to be the game I was expecting it to be and more. It's the most imperfectly perfect game I've gone through this year, one I can safely say that from now on its on my Top 3 Mainline FF games and my GOTY for this year. One where I hope my brainrot for it lasts for a long while, a game I hope I can see my friends enjoy as much as I did.

Clive is just like me fr

Love me a DLC that makes the game as a whole even better and even more complete than it already was, its one of those experiences that feels as essential to play through as the base game itself without undermining what made it so special and instead building upon what is already there, and while I do have certain nitpicks with some aspects, it's still an experience worth playing. I really love this game

It's hard to describe the feelings of awe you get while going through this game without spoiling, and it's even harder to describe how it feels to finish it, but I genuinely believe this game is the prime example of an "Adventure game", you get surprised by every discovery, you analyze the information you gather, you learn from what the game teaches you, you get soothed by its music, or get scared shitless by... if you know, you know, and most importantly, you never get tired of going through its world, but all good things have to reach an end at some point, but if by that end I get teary eyed thinking about the experience for a long while, then it's for sure a game I can implore anyone to give a shot, you won't regret it.

Getting killed by bald people in white suits simulator