Dante steals the show and Vergil expansion makes already great game even better I'll even replay this game just for soundtrack, devil trigger slaps.

Beautiful game with amazing story telling, shooting gameplay is good but not great

This game is pretty scary, but really fun. Baker family is wild.

This game is something different, shooting feels great and story is great too best thing is atmosphere, it's unlike anything. Remedy really knows what they are doing.

One of the most fun multiplayer experiences.

C'mon it's a Mario game, Bowser's fury is like a cherry on the top, this changes 3d Mario games forever.

Good gameplay, decent story, facial expressions is the only thing that ruins immersion.

Great game but too buggy, excited for sequel, but remember it's a souls like game, it's tough.


Good combat, can be challenging if you don't pay enough attention. Best thing here is friendship of noctis, gladio, prompto and ignis.

It's a heaven for racing game lovers.

Great game to play with friends

I don't know why nobody talks about this games, they're so good absolutely worth playing.


Immersive experience with subtle storytelling. Worth checking out.

Best far cry game. Vaas Montenegro was one of the best antagonist.