192 Reviews liked by ISleeepster

Good mother of god Atlus cooked with this game


DQ9 is a solid entry into the classic RPG series, and it's one that I feel could use a remake since it has a lot of multiplayer features that can't really be used anymore. Give it more customization options and vanity equipment and you'll easily sell a lot of people.
The class system is alright. Since any skill points you invest will can help you out in every class, it encourages a lot of grinding. This isn't the worst since you'll already have access to metal slimes by the time you get to Alltrades Abbey, but it can still be tedious. It'd help if there were a few more classes so that you could snag the omni-vocational weapon skills earlier and really explore the other classes and compositions.
I did a challenge run going into this replay where I didn't have control of my party members outside of quests and I gotta say; I'm impressed. Outside of my Warrior spamming Gigaslash whenever they had MP, they were pretty smart. A healer is actually better under the AI's control since they can reactively heal mid turn instead of needing a command the next turn.

Playing bad games in some way is a fascinating experience. Discovering that the game is actually 'that bad' is surprisingly captivating, you genuinely get interested if will it get any worse and analyzing all the fault step-by-step is the most fun part about the experience.

My first experience with Omikron was 5-6 years ago, back when I was hyperfixated on David Bowie's music. At some point I discovered that he had a cameo in Omikron and even wrote soundtrack for it, not to mention Omikron was one of the two Quantic Dream games that were available on pc at that time and I was kinda interested in those after watching Detroit playthrough. Eventually I dropped the game somewhere around the part where you had to mix coffee and sleeping pills, cause the game was extremely confusing and I thought I was too stupid for this.

Well, enough time has passed to give this game another try and it sucked. Genuinely did. Irredeemable piece of garbage and it's what makes it so interesting.

This game has zero self-awareness and it's astonishing! The Nomad Soul is trying to be so many different things at once: open world, point and click, first person shooter, fighting game, rpg... — All of those fucking suck on fundamental level to the point it's utterly baffling! As if making one bad game wasn't enough, there are at least three bad games in one package!

I won't delve into analyzing those aspects, this other review already does that, but i'll say that point-and-click is absolutely disastrous, puzzles are so unintuitive they can be straight up unsolvable without a guide, because David fucking Cage is misunderstood genius and we can't comprehend his methods of problem solving.

The worst part of this game is the narrative. Because, unlike the gameplay, I had moderately high expectations about it, cause a lot of people were gassing it, but idk what they were smoking.

Plot starts with basic 4th wall break, where "the player" transfers his soul into this cyberpunk world, that is written in such a childish way with "thought controllers" and brave "The Awakened" opposition. If you thought "Detroit: Become Human" was blatant with its themes, then Omikron is 10x times even worse. But anyway, at first plot is kinda interesting, you delve into the body of Kay'l, he has a job in police department, a wife and a pet, yada yada. You really feel like an outsider in this weird futuristic world, you have lots of mysteries to uncover and other crap, but all the interesting ideas from first act go absolutely nowhere, because of atrocious plot twist with FUCKING. DEVILS.

That's right! I don't know in what world Omikron is "cyberpunk classic", because it is the most boring, generic, incompetent and corny fantasy story in disguise! Forget about curious detective line, you are the prophesied hero THE NOMAD SOUL that will bring down BBEG Astaroth with Magic Sword Barkaya'l with thousand sorcerers' souls inside of it and that chance can happen only once in 999 000 years!

Sweet Jesus, you see how pompous that garbage is? All of its "profound" ideas never get explored, like "your soul is trapped in videogame that is a portal to parallel universe" never goes past beyond laughable 4th wall breaks, the fact that you literally steal bodies of different people and kill them in process never gets adressed in serious matter, all the abysmal dystopian cyberpunk/sci-fi stuff just sit there as decorations, characters just serve as boring one-note infodumpers, etc.

The "lore" might be actually interesting, but the game did all the best to make it as unappealing as possible with lame infodumping that is supposed to be worldbuilding and I couldn't bring myself to read books with weird names. Honestly the whole setting is weird and exotic only for the sake of it. Lots of the parts were stolen from eastern cultures and twisted in the most stupid manner, while aesthetically technology/outfits/architecture don't make any cohesive sense and just looks dumb. Especially UI and 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 fonts, that are straight up incomprehensible. Presentation is very poor in general and aged terribly. Toxic oversaturated colors rarely look nice, character designs are dull, environments are painfully empty for its size and cutsceness just use the same fucking diagonal angle over and over again.

And contrary to popular belief David Bowie didn't compose an entire soundtrack, he did only 5-6 tracks(and they're good!), the rest was composed by Reeves Gabrels and Xavier Despas. It's honestly kinda whack. Not truly bad, but gets really annoying quite fast.

This game is pure irredeemable horseshit. David Cage should've put actually realistic ambitions into this project, instead of rape by deception fetish, a sexualised underage girl to possess and asian racist caricatures. David Cage should be on sex offender list instead of making games. Omikron unacceptable in every single aspect. David Bowie didn't make "Hours" for it to end up in one of the worst games to ever exist.

P.S. Astaroth backshots

SMTV Vengeance kind leaves me really conflicted unfortunately, because in a lot of ways, you could argue that this is the peak of the series, it's visually beautiful, has an amazing soundtrack, and the gameplay is really great!

However, sadly my main sticking point, much like with the original, comes down to the plot. I was REALLY hoping that they would be able to make something really great out of V's story, but still, I remained apprehensive coming in, and while for the first third of the new route, things were mostly all the same, during the second half, a lot of really cool and crazy shit started happening, and I was ACTUALLY really excited by just how much I was getting into it!... But then sadly, the final third came, and ehhhhh it's more or less just the same as in the original, with like a few added plot points, which was SUCH a disappointment man, it just felt like the game was in a rush to wrap up, and it really left me wanting more...

Vengeance is a great game, and a definitive step in a right direction in pretty much every way, however where story is concerned, it's really more of like, a half step, which was really disappointing. I wasn't really sure wether to give this an 8 or a 7, but decided I'll be nice and go with the big ol' 8, cause there is just way too much superb stuff here to ignore, I just wish that when SMT VI comes around, they'll be able to use this foundation to really hone in on just what used to make mainline SMT so magical...

Also remake SMTs I and II with these visuals and presentations, they would be some of the greatest Megaten games ever, please Atlus give me Pascal the Dog in 4K

Really refreshing just how smooth this is coming from the PC-98 games, You really get into a zen with this after a certain point which is really satisfying.

I experienced too much good stuff almost back-to-back and lost the spirit to play anything, so i decided to experience something bad to rekindle my passion for gaming.

and dear god, does this game suck

I mean it 100% seriously, it's borderline rock bottom writing. Tumblr, reddit, ifunny, whatever you call it IS EVERYWHERE. I love making "haha i want to die jokes" on daily basis, but MAKE IT STOP FOR ONCE. The edgyness STINKS, it is painfully blatant that it was written by zoomers in the worst way imaginable.
This game is a constant eyerolling simulator and it means something, when avid Drakengard 3 fan says that.

No wonder this game has recieved "fetish incest game" reputation, because of this horrendous script that makes it so damn hard to tell, whether it is poor yandere fetish material or actually interesting story about incestous manipulative abuse. There is potential for that, but game handles its topics with gracefulness of a fucking potato.

Execution of routes/endings also sucks, because you are required to either comply with unlikable abusive mother(Andrew finally grows some spine there, but parrents still die) or with unlikable abusive sister(Andrew keeps dickriding Ashley). Frankly the incest part is completely optional and you need to reconfirm it twice.

Outside of that, solid character portraits with annoying face expressions, gorgeous bacgrounds, pretty good point-of-click aspect and mediocre soundtrack.

Don't waste your time outside of pure curiosity.

Outside of the context of this being a sequel to Soul Hackers, ngl I thought it was decent
The characters were mostly good with Ringo being a fun protagonist, and I actually didn't find the dungeons too bad, though being able to run was a REAL lifesaver

Ninja Gaiden is almost therapeutic once you're familiar with it and know how to play. It isn't an experience where you need to stop and think, it's all about getting into a rhythm and playing confidently. It can be incredibly frustrating to learn, but once you've got it down, few other games make you feel this bad ass. The entire thing becomes muscle memory after a while, it's like learning to ride a bike

Soul Hackers 2 is like the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull of Megaten. I don't think I've fully processed that it exists, even like a year and a half after finishing it. I think of this game often. It just confuses me - it's like the ultimate monkey's paw. They made a sequel to a 1997 Sega Saturn game that offers basically nothing to someone who loved the original, aside from some terminology carried over.

This game is fine - and I think that's what makes me so bitter towards it. They specifically selected one of the most unique, rough around the edges Megami Tensei games and sanded all of the interesting features down into something more digestable for general audiences. Things like demon loyalty and zoma fusions had so much more potential, but instead of exploring that they were just stripped and replaced with a combat system reminiscent of modern Persona. Dungeon design is repetitive, as is the music. They added in a pointless mascot character, there's nostalgia baiting content locked behind a paywall, and even the game's special Jack Frost variant was only obtainable by pre-ordering.

So many things about this game just reek of marketability and someone in a suit making the decisions, which is pretty funny considering it spends time critiquing capitalism and exploiting nostalgia.

Ringo is a very cool character. There are some standout tracks in the OST too. It's just not enough to justify the rest of the game for me. Some people see that this game is functional and has characters and argue its reception was unfair. I also knew people who saw Crystal Skull as their first Indiana Jones movie who said the same thing.

This review contains spoilers

It's finally done!! One of the longest games I've ever played, but it was worth it overall. As much as I want to give it a 5, there were SOME grievances I had. Plenty of story beats could have been handled better, and certain character arcs aren't as fulfilling as they could have been (one of them ends abruptly while another takes FOREVER). Worst of all, we have the Mementos. One of the most tedious parts of any game I played. It doesn't help they're required to advance many confidants.

Some things are easier to obtain than others as well. I can max out my knowledge and proficiency well enough, but charm can fuck right off! And as we all know by now, Morgana constantly telling you to go to bed. It at least gets easier to manage over time. Thankfully, I heard Royal improves on most of those things I mentioned. I'll get around to it eventually.

Everything else? It's amazing. I love the battle system, all the different party members, and the great perks you get from them among other things. That soundtrack is forever embedded in my brain. This is the game that really got me into RPGs, so I'm glad I finally got to complete it.

clunkfest-mcgee in darkydee-darkdark land.
It's really ambitious but also MAN it sure is a Souls game alright, I respect this genre, but this one still didn't really fully sell me on it, and I mean it was pretty much the the first of its kind so no duh



why is it called hades if you don't play as him