Really good quick arcade game. I loved the expressive cartoony sprite art and the lighthearted sense of humor.


I had a really nice time with this one. The art and music were excellent and the story really hit hard more than once.

Genuinely excellent. Loved the surreal visuals and alien atmosphere. I was worried that the puzzles might get overwhelming based on what I was seeing in the trailers, but for the most part everything was so tightly designed that I never felt truly stuck. Makes a good companion piece with games like Tunic and Death's Door.

I gotta admit, I was initially on team "Dead Space doesn't need a remake," but this thing did a really admirable job of taking all the improvements from DS2 and porting them back to DS1. I encountered a few bugs in my playthrough, mostly puzzle objects breaking or despawning, but nothing that actually halted my pace through the game. Really great!

All things considered this game has aged considerably well. The sense of humor remains charming, the gameplay is above-par for this era of 3D platformer, and the visuals hold up surprisingly well. Happy to say that this one is as good as I remember it being.

I wasn't keen on the story in this at first, but I eventually warmed up to it. Once the second personality core is introduced and starts playing off of the first one, the writing starts to feel more complete. Puzzles were really good across the board and the presentation value was great for a mod. Worth a playthrough for sure.

Incredibly short game, but pretty good for the price. I had fun solving most of the puzzles, but I did have to look up the solutions for a couple of more obscure things. I was stuck on the chicken puzzle for longer than I care to admit because I failed to consider that violence would be an option in a game like this, lmao.

Simple, tight side scrolling action. My only complaint with it is that the final boss stinks. Other than that? Extremely solid gameplay, great pixel art, great music, awesome characters to play as. All around a good time.

Picked this up because I heard people calling it a "hidden gem" and it cost like, a dollar. It's... fine? Might be a good game for a little kid, but this isn't a "new LocoRoco" game for adults to get excited about. Every level is practically the same, the music is really repetitive, the whole thing just kinda made me feel like my brain was melting. Can't really recommend it.

There's a lot I like about this one, but there were a few technical problems that kept me from loving it. The camera was a big problem for me, with "up and down" on the right thumbstick being "zoom in and zoom out" with no simple way to just look up and down. I also had a lot of trouble with the climbing until a friend of mine told me to use the d-pad instead of the analog stick. I hope that tip helps you, as well. Other than that, I thought they did an excellent job translating the Celeste gameplay in to 3D. Considering this was made in just a week, it's really impressive. With some tweaking, this could be a really good full game and I look forward to seeing what this thing leads to.


Got to play this back when it was new, still have it downloaded to my PS4. Really crazy to me that Konami won't let you download this, especially considering the big Silent Hill brand push they're doing right now. There's a half-dozen perfect remakes floating around online, but it's still a shame you can't easily access the real thing. This game is awesome and more people deserve to play it, even if it's technically a trailer for a game that no longer exists.

Played this game when I was younger. I never really learned how to play it properly and my friends would always beat my ass when we played it together, but this game let me see Viewtiful Joe, Amaterasu, and Phoenix Wright together on-screen and that alone was worth the price of admission.

This game is still the most compelling reason to pay for Nintendo Switch Online.

Haters will tell you that this game sucks because it's "not an RPG." Enjoyers will tell you that this game rules because it's a point-and-click adventure game.

I have a few friends that are really in to this game. I've played with them a few times and have made several earnest attempts to get "caught up" on my own time, but there's just so much stuff you have to get through before you're playing the "real game." I can tell that the game's good at its core and I would like to catch up eventually.