More like Dragon's Dogshit 2
The PC version is unplayable. The story seems interesting, but all of this is being ruined because of the game's low quality.
It's sad seeing a high profile release like this in such a terrible state. With such a big price, you would've expected a much better quality of gameplay.
Another shit port from Capcom with Denuvo, bad optimisation and micro transactions 👍👍
P.S. I didn't buy this game and probably wont ( I wont support these greedy fuckers)
Review based on watching other streamers play.

This masterpiece of a game was shutdown ten yrs ago but a team of players who loved it, got the rights to it and are remaking the game. They have made great progress on remaking most of it and u can play the demo (on their discord). Hopefully it makes a comeback 🥺

I really wanted to LOVE this game but it's just super underwhelming and frustrating.. the only thing that makes it bearable is the South Park humour and the cutscenes, but even then, it's still pretty lame. an ok game at most. If you're not a huge southpark fan, this is not really worth your time tbh.

This was rlly pog back in the day! The final boss was dogshit but I still love le goth chick going crazy when I go CAPSLOCK MODE 😎

I loved this as a kid but when I got to replay it now it feels worse than the first game in terms of aesthetics and gameplay.. idk exactly what but this one feels like a disney game instead of the creepy ambience the first one had.
I will have to revisit this

thx kinito for being my best fren

the game was bomb but could've done a lot more things, its very short (1hr)

this game fkd me up

the OST is crazy

casually put thousands of hours into this game

other gamemodes I periodically abused were deathrun , jailbreak & HnS

You can shine, no matter what you're made of 🌟

I initially wanted to rate it 4/5 but seeing its low star rating rn pushes me to give it 5/5
It's a really great game, its pure art how well this game was made, seeing other ppl rate it as low as 3* just makes me think;

insane atmosphere, but mostly walking and clicking on things to trigger le epic jumpscare

booty and sword, boss fight, booty entire screen with shiny big sword

I loved this game but I just hate sony and consoles..
Cant play on 4k 60+ fps (2024 gaming btw) and I'm stuck with this "balanced or quality" graphic settings that doesn't even say what it really does its so fucking stupid.

New Vegas isn't for everyone, including me
This is my 3rd time trying and 1st time finishing the game with +600 mods to make it bearable.
The graphics are not only dated but ugly af, and the gameplay might be a bit slow but the story and characters are the main attraction here, and if you're not digging those, then the game's going to feel pretty bland.
The most fun thing for me was winning all jackpots at the casions (gamba addiction)


Hundreds of hours of fun with my friends.
Modding community on PC just makes it hundreds of times better too, different servers with different mods and goals and gameplay mechanics where, for example, besides hiding from zombies and players you have to grow weed, cocaine to trade and sell to other players.
DayZ will teach you to accept your fate and get over mistakes easier because you’ll make a lot of them.
One session can easily last from 2 to 3 hours just to walk across the map and back to your base. It's like a post-apocalyptic hiking simulator, but instead of enjoying nature, you’re perma-stuck with anxiety from getting your head blown off together with the precious loot u been hoarding for hours :(