booty and sword, boss fight, booty entire screen with shiny big sword

I loved this game but I just hate sony and consoles..
Cant play on 4k 60+ fps (2024 gaming btw) and I'm stuck with this "balanced or quality" graphic settings that doesn't even say what it really does its so fucking stupid.

Dark Souls 3 was my initiation into the Souls series, and I started off not knowing much about it. Heard it was for the hardcore, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well it synced with me. What I loved most was the challenge – the constant push to improve my skills, the thrill of killing bosses, and progressing through the game.

The community around Dark Souls 3 is fantastic, and the overall atmosphere is just phenomenal. It's a journey where the love for learning to play better is the driving force. Definitely a top-notch experience in my gaming book.

huge nostalgia bomb, with cool new characters, pog music, and very impressive customization for characters. Mostly I love the ranked scene and how high the skill gap goes

You can shine, no matter what you're made of 🌟

Outer Wilds is one of those games that gets hyped up to the moon and back. People call it "life-changing" and "the best game ever" so naturally I had to see what the fuck was going on..
First off, the good stuff: The game is polished to a shine. Even though I'm not a huge fan of the lack of voice acting and the cartoony graphics, the game still manages to pull you in with its charm. The alien characters, though, felt a bit off to me in terms of art style.
Now, the bad part: I spent way too many hours just wandering around aimlessly, trying to figure out what the fuck I was supposed to do. And let me tell you, I'm stubborn. I refused to look up any guides. So, there I was, re-reading map logs like a madman, trying to connect the dots.
Eventually, I did figure it out, and I have to say, the puzzles in this game are pretty fkin clever. Piecing everything together to uncover the grand puzzle was a satisfying challenge.
But then... the ending. Maybe it's just me, but after all that build-up, the finale felt kinda average. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was cool and all, but it didn't quite live up to the hype people were shilling..
Overall it's a great game with some flaws. It's a must if you're into puzzles and exploration.

this game fkd me up

the OST is crazy

I went in to give this game another try after playing 2 hrs when it first came out thinking its just a walking simulator but i was amazed by how wrong I was. Truly an underrated masterpiece.

Played this on PC, The gameplay was refreshing and unlike anything I'd tried before. It was impeccably crafted, with chiseled details and incredibly fluid mechanics that made it a joy to play. The game's overall design was top-notch, making it thoroughly enjoyable.

Update: Finished all DLCs and 100% all achievements, it was a delight 100% this game

It's a generation-defining masterpiece. Setting the bar high, it serves as a role model for other RPGs. The graphics are on point, creating a visually stunning experience. The ambiance is top-notch, pulling you deep into its world. And the gameplay feels innovative and smooth, it really is the full package. Sometimes I ask myself "Why can't they all be this good?".


SOMA quickly became a favorite horror game for me. Went in thinking it's just your average spooky experience, but man, was I wrong. The story? Flawless. Surprisingly, no shooting, but that just made it even more intriguing. I fell in love with the characters, the eerie atmosphere, everything. It's not your typical jumpscare horror-game, it's more about that impending sense of doom and loneliness that keept me anxious consistently. That uniqueness, that's what hooked me and made SOMA unforgettable.

this game had me shit my pants as a kid, and replaying it 20 years later my pants situation remained eerily consistent. The gory aesthetic and anxiety-inducing ambiance are truly something unique. It's like a horror masterpiece that doesn't lose its touch, no matter how many years roll by.

The graphics are sick, giving life to the iconic building. Mr. X is pure nightmare fuel and the terror of doing puzzles while being chased is satisfying to overcome. It's the classic RE2 vibes but cranked up to 11. If you liked the old one you will love this one.

The amazing story caught me offguard

This masterpiece of a game was shutdown ten yrs ago but a team of players who loved it, got the rights to it and are remaking the game. They have made great progress on remaking most of it and u can play the demo (on their discord). Hopefully it makes a comeback 🥺

became rich and don't have anything to spend the gold on :-?