Top marks for the battle system, the sense of exploration and the level of variety in the gameplay. Where it kind of lost me at times was the over-complex story and near the end fatigue definitely set in because there is just too much to do, but overall I had a great time.

Amazing art direction, great music and fun battle system. So unique and special.

The atmosphere of this game will stay with me for a very long time to come. I think it's very impressive what they were able to realize with the voice acting at that time.

Good start to a great space opera trilogy. It certainly could have been a bit more polished in some areas, but the overall story still holds up.

Give this game the remake it deserves!

For me it started out very strong, but got progressively less and less engaging. I blame the overabundance of boring sidequests, the lack of a real party and the basic progression mechanics. All in all still a strong game though.