Trully one of a kind, many memories over here

I will say the same i did in my steam review and playstation one, since i platinum this game in every single version possible

"Atlus clearly did not care about what they did here, this is just a upscale port, and it shows, it looks horrendous, only in the steam deck this looks decent, guess why...

No changes to the game, no quality of life improvements, a simple lazy mess, a slap to the face of every fan, DO NOT BUY THIS, just emulate the game on PPSSPP, or even better, play FES on ps2 emulator, you better off then paying the same amount that persona 4 golden lmao this has to be a joke"

Honestly, after the remake was presented and its for next year, download the PS2 emulator or just wait for the remake, no female fanfic lead character, no terrible upscaling art, its up to you to play this terrible version or wait for the next definitive version of such a great game.

A pretty good reboot, even if Lara as a character became kinda unbearable, pretty good suporting cast tho, every member of the crew is interesting to me

Amazing gem, played when i was a kid, didn't age that bad at all, a great play

So i decided to finally play this game after not knowing about its existence for the longest time, i had only played the original back in the day, what can i say...

TRULLY, ONE OF THE WORST, IF NOT THE WORST SEQUEL OF ALL TIME, and i mean this with all my heart, maybe because i just finished the first one and played the second in sequence, but i just cannot forgive the shit show that was this game, pretty much everything about it its just retarded

The ONE good thing i can give to the game is maybe the fact that unlike the first game where you could pretty much beat the game with only one character, even if they had unique skills, it was not NECESSARY, if you good at the game and knew the routes, you can beat it with the same 1 character, in this one, you actually have to use all of the characters, some parts cannot be completed without a unique skill, and that is nice.

That is IT, nothing else is improved, NOTHING, on the contraire, they took the premise and characters of the first game and decided to just,

"you know what, fuck them, we want to waste money, we want to never make another game, obscure 3? nah, never will happen, we will make sure"

I can just know, they actually tried to make a final destination thing and well, the game was made during the unbearable era of torture porn horror movies, where in the first game characters COULD die, but it was pretty much ON YOU, a skill issue thing, they could die IF YOU BAD ENOUGH, you could finish the game with 5 people or just 1 alive, not this one tho, the characters just fucking die one after the other in random cutscenes, dumb, lazy deaths, made for shock value

Honestly, maybe if i didnt play the first game, MAYBE, i could enjoy this s.h.i.t show, the gameplay is bad, but for the time its decent, not the end of the world

Just do yourself a favor, forget this game exists, play the first one, pretends this never existed, be happy.

Great fighting game, it was good to see netherhealm return to its good roots, its a decent elsewhere story, generic superman bad shit, but well, its well done a bit, i can allow it

A wonderful resident evil-esque indie, a Lovecraftian story that is quite intriguing, even with time travel, very interesting, I def recommend

the last 2d sprite based KOF, trully a master piece art wise, terrible rosrter tho, quite sad really, but i enjoyed the story finale for the ash saga, he is def my fav since the OG one

I would like to say, yeah, i was wrong, this remake is pretty nice, imo it was still not needed, the original 2008 game did not age bad at all, on the contraire even, but well, i am glad we have a good one instead off a bad one, let me leave it at that.

NOW, let me tell you what i HATE about this game, WHY CANT ISAAC JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP? WHY DOES HE KEEP TAKING HIS HELMET OFF? like, wtf my dude, what is the reasoning for this? specially in the face department, what did they do to Nicole and Isaac´s face? they look like two dumb asses, specially Isaac, cant stand his face, you know someone with a punchable face? that is Isaac in this game, the biggest fumble of all time was this downgrade

OK, thank you for reading my hatred for that, BUT, i am glad that my biggest issue is something so minimal, its one of the best remakes i seen so far, near 1 to 1 from the original, this is how you do it, nothing was erased, but a few things were added, kudos to you EA, for doing something decent for once, hope this streak continue

FOR TECHNICAL issues, i can confirm, if you go check the discussions tab on the community for this game, yes, the game runs like crap, for some reason they still didnt fix most of the issues with this game, it took me 60h to 100% the game, but it should have been 40 something hours, i had 20 hours wasted because of bugs and such, had to start a impossible run from scratch 9h in because the game crashed and my save got corrupted, some cutscenes just never happen and Isaac speaks to himself, heck, one encounter with the hunter i never even did it because Isaac just stood there talking to himself and nothing happened, guess that is cool

I had less technical issues with cyberpunk when it launched then with this one, and i am not even exaggerating, its that concerning


In the end of the day is a very good remake, almost 1 for 1, and that is amazing, Isaac face and he speaking is truly unforgivable, retarded even, the worst downgrade in video gaming history, but i guess nothing is perfect, some fumbles will happen

Indeed the game has ALOT of issues technically, alot of bugs and game ending crashes that are still not fixed, another sad case of amazing game with a poor PC port, seems like a common thing now, and that is quite annoying

I would say you should play this version anywhere you can get besides PC, or, well, play the original, its still the superior version


A great resident evil clone indie, interesting story, the usual resident evil clone shanenigans, i enjoyed, def recomend

Like, the only things i didn't like, like, really didn't like it, was a puzzle that was "inspired" by resident evil where the walls are closing and you have to do a shity made puzzle, horrible AND a boss fight near the end of the game, where FOR SOME REASON the person that created this game decided to make, if you play this game YOU KNOW what boss fight I am speaking about, I have ZERO idea why would you put such mechanic on this game, makes no sense, is so bad that almost makes you just close the game and not play again.

anyway, not a perfect game, but given that it seems to be made by 1 people, its quite the game.

ONLY reason i shall give this game a positive review is because it looks great and as a remake, they did the correct thing and didn't take anything out, as a REAL remake should be, great graphics

Unfortunately it ends here, for some reason its filled with technical issues, bugs for days, for days, countless times i had to close the game because of a game ending bug, cars flying, enemy AI going crazy the true 2K experience

I would recommend getting this game because its MAFIA, one of the greatest games of all times, MAFIA 1 and MAFIA 2 are a must for ANYONE, so buy it, but try doing on a sale, do yourself a favour.

For the platinum lovers out there, this is a good one, chill and not that long, just one missable really, but you can just replay missions so its perfect.

After completing the platinum of the game and doing literally everything that this game has to offer, to every easter egg or conversations possible with every NPC possible, now i finally feel like i can come here and make my:


◈ I did buy Cyberpunk on pre-order, since day 1 i played, but tbh i never did all the endings back there, finished the game once, kinda, honestly the game was so bugged, crashed so much, i literally had to start the game all over again 2 times because of a mission that was bugged so i could not go further in the main story, that was 2020.

◈ Now, 2024, 4 years later, 2 years after the year that this game was supose to come out, and it shows, the game was already playable given the many patches and QOL changes over the years, but this DLC, phantom liberty was just a slam dunk, what a send off

◈ This was one of the mostr emotional games i ever played, i trully believe this game has one of the greatest written stories on the medium, i really felt like this game was a simulator, maybe we heading to that future, i am starting to believe that

◈ The last time i played a game that legit made me cry, REALLY CRY for many times during the 200+ hours i played the game was maybe when i re-played the trilogy of MASS EFFECT

◈ Everything about this game (story, atmosphere, world building) was done to such perfection tha i actually feel sad that the game was not able to properly finish its cycle before launch, dont get me wrong, the game is still the worst game ever when its about bugs, every minute i played i found a bug, glitch, pretty much every other mission i had to load a save because the HUD or the mission itself was bugged, sometimes i had to replay the entire thing, other times i lost 1 hour of playtime cause the auto save didnt work and i didnt manually save, alot of things to complain here on the technical part of the game, its a mess

◈ I enjoyed every ending, some more then the others, i speacially like the DEVIL one, where V is given the ALTERED CARBON treatment, i would like that the game used that one for the sequel, so that V can come back

◈ I also enjoyed one of the new ones where V is cured but has to live as a regular choom, no chrome, just a regular person, that one i liked because, well, V is alive and is free, and i would also like to see V in the sequel and play as him with no chrome, imagine that being the hardest dificulty, MORGAN BLACKHAND himself

◈ Cyberpunk 2077 has the best sidequests i ever seen in a game also, i normally enjoy doing them in every game i have the option to, i am the kinda guy that likes to platinum my games so doing those is most of the times a must, and from all of the games i played, like ever, this has the best side quests, i made sure to do them all and even look on google if i made it right or if they had diferent endings

◈ I will leave this here, if for some reason they decide to not use V, if V is not the protag of the next game, i will NOT be playing, unfortunately, they created something i will never forget here, and if they just say "hehe f you reet, V is dead, we making a new one, letter F now, for F_4_G, that is you"

₪ Meh, i wanna rant about it, but w/e, game is amazing, go play, you will prob find yourself watching youtube videos about the cyberpunk lore


Finally after a while i finish the platinum for DQ11, it was a good one, for an RPG its not really that long, no missables, you can take your time and finish anything in any order pretty much, def one of my favorites

the only dragon quest games i played before was the DS and 3DS ones, mostly because FINAL FANTASY DIED after X, so i was looking for a real RPG and not the bs that final fantasy became, and yeah, dragon quest thankfully been delivering since forever, and i will play every single one of them now because i got curious given that you go back in time to the previous luminaires on the game, i want to know how much of that i can pin point in each game

I don't really mind the random combat RNG, but i also don't hate the enemies visible and you can choose which battles you take now, actually i think it would be amazing if you could choose just like this one, you can choose playing 2D or 3D, amazing choice and i will prob play again in a different way because of this

The story is rather simple, but the characters are very interesting, its aways the high point on Dragon Quest, the party is aways very interesting imo, I only played in the OG language, Japanese, so i cannot tell you about how the Dub is tbh, but i never heard anything bad about it. There are plenty of very unexpected surprises in the story, with most of them being genuinely well written and well delivered, it had a few fake outs for and end, but the plot twists were not that bad, so i didn't mind that much, and in general, even if the game does overstay its welcome a bit by the end, it feels like a fun adventure with ancient mysteries, i am a big fan of how you keep in touch with the previous luminaries and stuff

Dragon Quest XI (S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition) is a fantastic game and an experience worth of your time. It does many things perfectly right. It looks good, sooooo good, and even better, it feels good.

Def recommend for those individuals that enjoy the superior tastes of a TURN BASED RPG, they still live out there, go save the world!

Being the first i am willing to forgive most things, but tbh the game, no, this series is near perfection, to the soundtrack to the style of it, being a tag team centric game, running from the norm that is 1v1 YU-GI-OH!, from time to time i replay this series and go from the 1st to special (7th) and prob my fav part is that they kinda make you feel that it makes sense the progression since every game has the story of a certain part of the respective anime and the saves go from one to the following

Anyway, scores are cringe so i will just say, play the game, its just so refreshing, as a EDISON format lover, this series is pretty much all you need, it goes from before GOAT to EDISON real good and its all you need tbh