Enjoyed the game very much, the combat is quite good, unfortunally the game is way too short, I remember playing and being confused "wait, its over?" like, I literally finished the game in 6 hours, and I didn't even rush it

Truly one of the greatest fighting games ever made, beautiful sprite work, I miss this SNK

Man I was so hyped for this game, everything that I saw on it before launching had me excited, even got the pre-order in 2020 before being delayed 3 times.

The biggest issue here is that I don't know why, there is such great things about the game, like the gameplay, combat wise, the crafting, the effects, heck, I love the island, its very beautiful,

Now, I cannot understand how a game can be so MID, there is not even a middle ground here, what is good is AMAZING and what is bad is BAFFLING, dude, how can you launch a MMO without a mount in 2023? how can you launch a MMO with ZERO end game????

Like, I get that this was the first MMO the studio did(?), but man, how can you get a lot of the best parts of the best MMOs around and still fuck this up this bad?

truly mind boggling, I cannot understand, I played a lot, I mean, ALOT of MMOs over the years since I am someone that I cannot stay playing the same online game more then a few months and this one is the one that got me most confused, mad even

I don't know what to say anymore, put this game for the definition of a 5/10

This was a hard one, because I really tried to like this game, and since i just 100% the game, I feel like I can safely recommend, or in this case, not

First of all, the insane amount of technical issues i encountered playing, a game that honestly would take 15, maybe less hours to platinum, took me 40 hours, buggy encounters, game sound just stops working, some playthrought items not droping (the last old key in the jail cell never doped for me in any of my plays, don't matter the difficulty)

Also, WHY DOES THIS GAME NOT SUPPORT BORDERLESS MODE? I cant even use borderless gaming with this game, its just hell, I had to do a lot of things for the game to just run properly, like i cant play the game on the monitor that is not connected with my graphics card(????)

Honestly i also don't like the UI, the enemies literally looks like free blender assets, the story of the game is just uninspiring, i literally never gave a single ♥♥♥♥ about the MC and her story, the one side character and his goal to find what happened to his partner, literally the only endings (the game has 5 endings) that i enjoyed was the 2 joke endings, one that reference dino crisis and a sci-fi one

Also, the map is so nonsensical, like, i love the mansion inspired on resident evil, that is amazing, and i enjoyed it, but they really exceeded with the backtracking here, there is literally like 12 keys you have to find, in the beginning of the game you pass through like 8 locked doors and all of them are different keys, insanity

If you wanna do this much side tracking, please keep the map short, because the game is not all in the mansion, they added a courtyard, which is fine, resident evil also had that, but they added like 4 more areas, and you just get lost

The game has a "final scene", the generic "bad guy dead body close up and then he just looks at the camera and opens his eyes, that are RED NOW!!!!!!!" amazing, so i guess they will MAYBE make a sequel? dunno, hope they improve if they do, this game truly has a lot of potential and I really did try to enjoy it

ALSO, I have to talk about the NEMESIS/MR X kinda enemy you fight 3 or 4 times along the game, holy molly, I never, ever, seen a more lame boss in my life, everything about his is just retarded, its so funny, at any point i was scared of this dude, I was laughing my ass off the dude is literally balding, the boss you suppose to piss yourself every time he appears is a balding dude wearing latex, I cannot make this up, at this point he is something that i enjoyed about the game, because i was bored and then he appears and i was laughing my tits off, I love you gatekeeper

I did enjoyed all of the costumes tho, so I guess silver linings do exists here 🙏🤠🤔

What a great horror game, its been a while since the last time I played an actual original game of the horror genre, with the randomized situations and intriguing story, def a one of a kind work.


When this game was announced, not gonna lie, I was PISSED with Atlus, specially since what happened with SMTV, the game looked like trash (oh how I fucking hate that weeb shit) and nothing alike the OG soul hackers, lets be honest, this game is just Tokyo mirage sessions but they are using the name soul hackers JUST BECAUSE, just Atlus saying fuck you to the fans, happens sometimes, no company is perfect

Now, even with me PISSED over this, since I am a dumbass (got a switch OLED just to play SMTV btw, I hate myself, terrible game) I actually got the pre-order as soon as it was available on steam, as much as I hate the first impressions, Atlus deserve my trust, FOR NOW, strike 2 atm

So, after 65 hours of gameplay, after getting the platinum, I did everything the game has to offer, I can say:

The game is not AS bad

Story AND characters wise:

But the thing is, its not good either, the story is lame, and that is something I cannot enjoy, specially on a Megaten game, I have too much respect for the franchise to accept a bad story

Bad characters, yes, its really annoying when the ONLY decent character on the game is the damn shark teeth one, the most anime character is the only one that is decent, well, fuck me

Now, the gameplay is actually the one thing I can say that I really enjoyed, the sabbath system is quite fun, would love to see it again

I do recommend anyone to get the game and play for yourself, don't take my shit as a fact, besides the story and characters part, that is factually correct, they are bad, the rest? yeah, just my opinion, play it and tell me if you agree

Anyway, the game is better then I imagined, honestly I was expecting to be TRASH with no redeeming qualities, but well, it has some, so I guess its alright, don't regret paying for it.


Truly a great game, honestly, not perfect tho, I feel like the MC is kinda meh, wish we could know more about him, the way the game starts and his power gives you the idea he has more to him, the world is beautiful and they did an AMAZING job of bringing from the pages of the books, the game really is about HOGWARTS, its place in the MIDDLE of the map and you can see it from every single angle of the main map, such a nice view

Unfortunally after you finish the story the game really become kinda dead, I am someone that enjoy platinum games so I was doing this one, there is so many collectables but you feel bored after the story ends, nothing to do besides going from place to place collecting things

I feel that for a first game they did an amazing job, and i feel good about what comes next, hope its better and better

I cant give less of a shit about what you think on JK, your schizo is not my problem, she has nothing to do with the DEVs of this game and if you think harassing people that plays this or review bombing this will do anything, not only you are a cunt, but you are a dumb, very dumb one at that

Anyway, I liked the game, def not perfect, alot to improve, but i had a good time, def recommend it! 😊


First of all, I want to say, I tried liking this game, I remember playing when I was a kid on the PSP, I mean, kinda, I know I played the game since I still have the UMD, but I don't really remember anything about it, only the MC, Ace, always thought he was super cool

Now, after playing again, more then 10 years later, I can say a lot of things about it, mostly bad things honestly

I have to be honest, I despise current Final Fantasy, heck, Square Enix as a whole, they are an walking L, I hate that company as much as I hate Konami

That out of the way, I tried liking TYPE-0, I really did, call it nostalgia, but I remember "liking" the game, so I was willing to give this a chance, well, that was a very, very big mistake

The gameplay

I ain't a fan of action jrpgs, to me is a crime against nature, a sin really, but I didn't mind this one that much, at least the range characters, I mainly used the ranged ones, playing with a melee character here is really frustrating, hard to hit, your attacks don't feel good to hit at all, i almost never used magic either, or the summon mechanic, only when the game wanted me to use it, really pointless

The Story

Now, this one is the weakest part of the game, not really, but it is, TYPE-0 shares the mythos with FF XIII and FF XV, so you prob gonna read a lot of things and link up, that is the fun part of the game imo, when you hear something and go "ohhh, I know that, that is cool"

The War angle is not that interesting specially since this is something Final Fantasy already did multiple times, but, i actually was liking some characters, even if not that original, 90% of the CLASS ZERO, the MC crew, they are pretty fun and I liked every single one (only 2 of them that I have issues with), and they are easily the best part of the game, by far, and that makes me livid, because of what, or how the game ends.

Now, I want to say this without spoiling the game for anyone that wants to play this, this game has possibly one of the worst endings of all time, easily top3 worst endings in any Final Fantasy, it has nothing of worth in it, everything about it disgusting and makes you feel like you wasted your time.

I do not recommend anyone to give this a try, unless you just skip all the cutscenes after the last boss, do yourself a favor, don't try it, you will be very upset

For anyone interested, I uploaded the entire run on youtube.

Its a decent rhythm game, I got it in a discount for like 5bucks, it was worth those 5bucks

100% a let down, only reason I mustered the will power to platinum this game was the moding community, so many amazing mods.

It was a blast playing this game in 2019, that was my fighthing game year, came back this year to platinum them, since i got burn out from fighting games in general back in late 2020, TEKKEN 7 is easily the king of this gen of fighting games, it was a great one from start to finish imo, looking forward for more information about TEKKEN 8.

Jin mains rise up!

Horrible UI, feels like trash playing it, a lot of DLCs for no reason, prob one of the worst, if not THE worst yu-gi-oh game Konami ever pooped out their trashy little assholes

Not as bad as "Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist", but the same recycled trash UI, horrible to play in it, well, at least there is no disgusting DLCs practices around on this one, so that is a good thing, never buy this or the prior game unless its on a 90% sale, trust me, go play master duel.


A pretty nice story, i enjoyed very much, even if short, def recomend it