440 reviews liked by Iruma17

goty so deserved this game saved my life alan wake himself personally came to my house and tucked me into bed and mowed my lawn thank you remedy

I wish I had a more original take, but this is basically the Twin Peaks: The Return of video games. It is so rare for an expensive-looking AAA game to be this thematically dense and creatively unencumbered. Even the faux-open world collection side quests feel remarkably well integrated into the story and overall experience, to the point where I actually (mostly) enjoyed running around and collecting all of the stuff I missed before crossing the point of no return. I'm going to be thinking about this game for a long time, and will probably do the NG+ "Final Draft" mode whenever I get the chance.

I think Alan Wake II and Disco Elysium are probably the two best European video games ever made, and they were developed a 3 hour boat ride away from each other across the Gulf of Finland. What is going on in northeast Europe that makes people geniuses at video game design?

This game would be perfect if it weren't for the middling gameplay in the Alan sections. There's no one out there making games like Remedy. This is my MCU.

I think they should have kept Max's ridiculous slow-mo reload twirl from here in Max Payne 3. It would contrast nicely against the extremely detailed renderings of entrance/exit wounds and lighten the mood. The fact that he doesn't even have the whimsy to do it in that game really does illustrate that even when we see him here there's still hope in his heart. You can always fall farther

self-loathing as a broken funhouse mirror, distorting and reflecting back everything you hate about yourself; you see it everywhere; on billboards, on tv, in everyone else. It all seems to reaffirm the ugliness you see in yourself; you can run from it but it'll always be there, right behind you. The only way to escape is to confront the man in the mirror, to look at the twisted parody you've become and choose to do something about it; as max says "It could destroy you, drive you mad. It could set you free"

a masterpiece

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The constant "tv mirroring Max's life" I see as a depiction of a particular solipsist thinking that mental illness can lead you to. Living in your own mind so much that everything you see has to be a mirror back to your own life because who else could it be mirroring? Max Payne is gaming's finest trauma bitch.

The funhouse is such a cool level, Very cool to see something so Psychonauts-esque in a rockstar-published shooter lol.

Late Goodbye is a certified hood classic.

i miss when games about overcoming depression and anxiety were called max payne 3 and they featured protagonists who were in the worst shape theyve ever been and the gameplay loop was about the protagonist abusing substances and constantly trying to unceremoniously die in a shootout

This is a metaphor about semen retention or something. The story would have been a lot different if Max Payne jacked off once in his life

kinda blown away by this, was gonna write something longer here but The Writer has so thoroughly altered my perception of the preceding 7 episodes that i feel like i gotta go back and reassess the whole thing

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