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RedBackLoggd commented on sunkencrayon's review of Donkey Kong Country
I will say in your defense that DKC was unique in that it combined 3D sprites with 2D backdrops, compared to Mario where everything was uniform in composition, so I can see where that visual clarity issues come from.

Yeah that's true for platformers, but I'm talking about for games like Terranigma or Trials of Mana that never got a US release: those would benefit the most from emulation cause fan patches are right there for the taking (Ik Terranigma was dubbed in English, but the non-English releases). And you'd have to buy the Famicon/region-locked version of the console too.

45 mins ago

1 hr ago

manwhospksinhnds earned the Replay '14 badge

1 hr ago

RedBackLoggd commented on duhnuhnuh's list The Definitive* Ranking of Games**: 2015
Oh LOL, I was way off haha.

Hmm copy, thank you for the astute summary. I'll definitely, based on your word, try out the first one, and if it works out well, I'll grab the others too. I just hope that jump between 2 - 3/4 isn't as big as you're implying!

2 hrs ago

RedBackLoggd commented on sunkencrayon's review of Donkey Kong Country
And yeah, I want to set-up a SNES emulator at some point too b/c there are a lot of great games I want to play, and unfortunately getting actual cartridges for my SNES is difficult b/c of pricing or region-locking or lack of translations.

2 hrs ago

RedBackLoggd commented on sunkencrayon's review of Donkey Kong Country
Yeah, true though Forest Frenzy was dope (she did that one).

Oooh yeah, playing a SNES game with a joystick, the JRPGs are probably fine, but platformers are gonna have issues since they were only about 4 cardinal directional movement. I ran into a similar issue with Celeste, though I felt that was defensible on my end since a modern game should've accounted for analog support.

The game is difficult given the 1-hit KOs, and that's a perfectly fine criticism - you in fact stated as much in your review. But claiming the hitboxes themselves were wonky, implying enemies don't respond to jumps, I do think is unfair to the game.

I'll agree it's more zoomed-in than Mario titles, but, and again I acknowledge this could be nostalgia talking, but when I think zoomed in games that are actually intrusive to the experience, I think of something like Bubsy haha which had like 1/3 less the aspect ratio of DKC.

2 hrs ago

SolMerse backloggd Stray

3 hrs ago

5 hrs ago

RedBackLoggd commented on Serious's review of Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition
@2ManyW - you gotta competitor in the Street Fighter review field!

6 hrs ago

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