223 Reviews liked by Itsygo

i wish i had something snarky to say about this but i'm honestly tired of this occupying any corner of my brain. i wanted to give this a chance because i do think the first game has its merits but i think i just cannot mesh with this game at any level at both a narrative and gameplay standpoint. i got halfway through this apparently just like i did with fallout 4 but personally, this is unmatched in personal apathy. maybe in a few years, i'll give it another shot but i think i'll just play xbc3 instead if i really wanna continue with this series.

it has ethel at least.

xenoblade for people who play games with porn mods

i dont think the issue with xenoblade 2 is that its "too anime" because xenoblade 1 and 3 take just as much from anime, they just take it from shonen whereas 2 draws a lot more from ecchi/harem anime tropes which are absolutely some of my least favorite types of media. that mixed with an awful dub, insufferable characters, and forced comedy that doesn't land even once makes it completely not worth it to slog through 60 hours for the game to finally get "good," because at that point you couldve played multiple games that were infinitely better than a game this bad with a final stretch where the only interesting part of it is a tie in to the first game. gets very lose to being one of my least favorite games of all time. at least the environments are pretty

"wot if u were a boy with no personality but two hot babes fell in love with you because you were nice to them on the most basic level possible and also the hot babes were part of a marginalised group considered your property but it's ok it's not weird we promise they actually like that you are Their Master it's ok :)"

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

engineered to make me wince but wanted a JRPG in the Switch's first year real bad and gave it a shot. has a feel adjacent to a crusty comedy seasonal anime about a 13yr old with fucked up teeth who can't stop kissing her older brother in an isekai world. i like a lot of its ideas but its tone and script are frustrating. i like starting as a diver-miner worker dude but i hate the guy who is that. he should be chill and real as fuck but he's this lame dork and not in an endearing sense. there are multiple scenes where the little boy accidentally touches tits and they go all "stupid baka pervert!" and i just don't care for it. i've seen this all too many times before, i simply cannot get down with these anime babes. i hear it gets better but it shoulda been good when it had the chance to hook me!!! aside from Nia, i didn't connect with any of the characters. Pyra and Mythra especially bored me to tears (i just don't like those sorts of tropes) and i wanted to throw Rex into an evil boiling cauldron. this game is stuffed with lame anime gfs who call u 'master.' the battle system has a gacha mechanic just to spite me and a UI so overstuffed it invokes violent urges in me like a caged, tortured gorilla. the environments and character models look really great for switch although this game's character design is mostly (Morag is pretty cool the game should be about her) some of the lamest, goofiest, and horniest (in a bad way) i've ever seen in a wide-release game of its pedigree. horny in the most boring way, in a vanilla ecchi way where it's too cowardly to get weird with it. the voice acting is silly (positive) and kicks ass tho. and Nia, she's pretty good.

why did they put this in Smash instead of my boy Travis Touchdown smh. i want the bad anime enjoyer, not the bad anime

no skip button therefore unplayable

My first 5* wasn't a woman, fuck this game

Update: Well I'll be fucking damned Penacony was good. Not like, mindblowingly good, but this was the first time I was legitimately invested in a Mihoyo plot. If they keep this up, I might be willing to rate it higher

me block every genshin ad and finally at peace
one week later honkai game begrudgingly release

Played for about an hour, and it became immediately apparent that this is basically a sci-fi Genshin reskin. Down to the UI layout, cutscenes still being unskippable and the same shitty gacha system that seldom gives you actual characters. I know for a fact that this is a game that, like Genshin, will not respect anyone's time, asking you to spend days gathering space mushrooms or some bollocks just to be granted the privelege of being able to level up characters in a turn based RPG. Obviously, I don't know that last bit for sure, but seeing how derivative the game is of Genshin in the first hour, I don't think it's unfounded, and my patience has its limits.

This is typical gacha slop wherein the waifu slot machine was designed first, and then the game around it, made to get you addicted and waste as much of your time as possible. But people are going to eat it up anyway and act like this kind of game design is actually good and acceptable.


holy shit guys just please play any other turn based rpg I don't care if "you don't like turn based combat but this game is good!" there're infinitely better entry-level rpgs/rpgs that appeal to people who don't like the genre I'm on my knees

Haven't played but it's by the Genshin people so I know the score is accurate

Astral Chain is an action game with surprisingly good looking visuals and innovative combat. As per usual with Platinum games the combat is fun, flashy and enough to keep you entertained throughout the mediocre story, though it can feel kind of repetitive after a while.

I love that you can choose between a male and female protagonist and are even able to customize them a little bit, but I hate that the twin you choose as your protag ends up being mute. I've never really been a big fan of silent protags to begin with. But most silent protags at least have some personality shown with their actions, or maybe the game has meaningless but entertaining choices that allow you to headcanon their personality. Astral Chain just has nothing. I also know sometimes for Japanese games, the JP audience and weebs get a little uppity if they can't pretend the character is "literally me" so I have learned to live with it, but my god at least let them speak from a dialogue tree if you absolutely must keep some semblance of the player feeling they are the character.

Simply one of the best RPGs I have ever played. I went into Expecting to enjoy it as I have heard many good things about it but what I did not expect was to be FLOORED and being completely inlove with everything about this game by the end of this beautiful journey.

This game is the game I will recommend people when they ask me what is a great first RPG to play. This game respects your time and will not force you to grind hours upon hours for an item or to level. I really wish more RPGs would follow this formula as it would make me play them more knowing I wouldn't have to dump 60+ hours into the game with 50% of it being grinding.

The game sets you on multiple journeys with 7 characters each with their own storyline. For the most part each characters story is about 2 hours long with the exception of the fighter being only about 40 mins long. Speaking of the fighter he by far has the weakest storyline and I was bummed out because I was pretty excited for his story. My fav stories in the game were the Shifu, both Future stories and the western story.

I will not talk about anything else as honestly going into this game as blind as possible really elevated the experience for me. As this game is now on most platforms this is a MUST BUY for any RPG fan or fans who want to get into the genre.

Its an experience you won't get often and one that should be experienced by everyone.

Phenomenal game.

live a live remake answers the question: can you make peak peaker? with a resounding yes, yes we can and we will

It is a shame that Nintendo put so much work and passion into this, only to have the misfortune of releasing in the same year as Armored Core VI. Poor Zelda is going to be dashed across the rocks and scattered into the wind by the game of the fucking century.


Okay, you can't dress Link up like a girl in this one. But a cutscene of him being grabbed by mechanical tentacles happens multiple times and that's probably the next best thing for you people.