Sent to die alongside the PS3 when the PS4 came out.
Aside from it being 5 levels long and running like crap it is a awesome time, but too brief...

A return to form that may fumble in a few areas (the other 3 playable characters are stuck as non-characters since they are basically puppets), but is a lot of fun nonetheless.
Also crafty egg.

The seemingly undefeatable hero gets divided into 10 weak copies of himself and his disembodied soul must help them survive and defeat an otherworldly horror who's name literally means "death god", and upon finishing his adventure our beloved ball of happiness ponders about the beauty of space.
"Darkness had its place just as much as light [...]. For the stars sparkled twice as bright in the dark depths of space!"

Anyway this game might be gimmicky but it's another title with an identity all to its own.

Only got to play the demo a couple months before the game died lol

This game made me not care about game difficulty and might have made me a better person because of it.

Why did I take 15 years to play this

Extremely evil beginner traps aside, this one is immaculate

An awkward soft reboot with some very questionable "origin stories" for the titular duo, but it's likeable enough and the gameplay is still as good as ever, if a little less satisfying as the weapons feel a little weak.

Just a very solid entry, despite how derivative it is.

Even I am not contrarian enough not to call this one a masterpiece.
Not some meaningless word thrown its way: a real masterpiece.

Given that the series didn't go the direction this game went it just stand out as this little oddity that is a little more self aware than the cover might lead you to believe.

The finale is worth playing this game for (and it's only like 3 hours long anyway so get to it NOW).

What it loses in variety it makes up for it with consistency (except the Hacker, that one is terrible but not terrible enough to matter in the long run).

My first Kirby game, got it because Super Star Ultra was still not out in Europe at the time lol
Even then, what a good entry to start with despite its radically unique structure.