I don't know if it's just nostalgia but I enjoyed Mario 64 more

I really enjoyed it but I can't give a perfect score to a game you could easily cut 50h away and not lose a beat.

Still, it may be the Longest game I've ever finished, which is a huge compliment on its own.

It oozes style. The soundtrack is a banger. The battle system is as refined as classic turnbased jrpg combat can get.

Not a fan of self insert silent protagonists but Atlus managed to squiz enough personality into Joker to make him a character sort of.

Royal's third semester ends the game on a high note.

I took my time with the game and I enjoyed most of it.

Joy sucking UX. Shame, I wanted to like it.

Liked it for what it is but it left me with little desire to explore this genre further.
Flawed but interesting. A star for the novelty at the time.

End credits rolled, so I guess the game just began, but I got the hint and stopped there.

Good game but the game loop may be too tiring for me.

I was awe struck when I first played this game and the feeling still lingers a decade later.

There's nothing objective about this score.

A childhood pillar

Solid and fun co-op experience that's blissfully short.
Learning curve has a steep beginning and very streamlined and easy ending - Once you learn the ropes the danger is mostly gone.

Traversing the map is a chore and the gates mechanic is lacking.
A minimap would do wonders for the game.

The expansions don't add enough to justify a replay.

lovely art and fantastic soundtrack

interesting experiment.
Trying too hard at times, for my taste.

Super slick puzzle action gameplay laced with annoying cliche meta plot that the game doesn't need.

When the game closed itself on me I got the hint and stopped playing.

I'd love a no plot cut!

Best in the series but went on for too long.

Cool twist on a trusted concept.
I know it's baked into the game but RNG can really stop a run dead in its tracks, can get frustrating.