It definitely aged but the sense of awe and exploration were never matched by future titles.

Morrowind felt truly alien and bizzare, outlandish fantasy.
The sequels are just 50 shades of Europe.

Good and unique but didn't capture me

I've played Wow for the first and only time for over a summer vecation a few years back.
Figured I had to try such a cultural phenomenon even if it was past its prime. I had fun with it more than I expected but I could see how dangerous it's mechanics can be.

I could see myself casually visiting it from time to time but it's not worth paying full subscription.

The game captured a kind of charm other games failed to grasp.

MMOs are still dead trash though


Flawed and probably not as fun as I remember, but very charming.

I have a bad sense of direction and this game has a bad map.

All in all, Bioshock games are FPSs with shitty gun feel.
Very cool setting though.

Would you kindly make a better game?

Clunky. Lost interest when the game opened up and slowed down fairly early.


If you think about it too much nothing in this game makes sense but if you don't you were in it for a good time.

Hated the driving, grew out of the series by this point.