Great battle system with few hickups.
Exploration is streamlined and communicative which I appreciate. Sometimes interactions are wonky, the game requires you to be very precise but characters tend to gallop.

Music not as good as the original but it was really fun to see old Midgar come into life.

Most of the new content is good but there are obvious pacing problems.

Nomura's designs have somehow become both really obnoxious and dull, it's clear to see it whenever a relatively unchanged original character is interacting with a modern one, who all tend to look like Kingdom Hearts rejects.

Intermission goes the extra mile and pits you against a tribal tattooed angst shadow guy.
speaking of which, the dlc is fun but has tonal issues. It's cartoony but slips dramatic scenes every once in a while.

Good game.

Slick little party brawler. Very satisfying!

I tried playing it again recently and it Soo clunky and unwieldy.

But in my memory it's a magical fantasic game full of imagination and charm.

Fun character creator. Messy game design even for an mmo

how not to do a walking simulator

It's not very fun but this and its sequel have a fantastic mood to them

Maybe the most fun I had with a tower defence game? Probably spent too much time on it anyways

Quickly loses its charm once the novelty wears off.

Still I can tell alot of love care went into it

I have little interest in God of War and this relaunch didn't change that.

I feel this game tried to reinvent itself in several opposite ways, there's no harmony in it.
It tries to be The Last of us but opts for an odd open world structure which kills the pacing, it is also a collectathon for some reason but also it's a gear crafting heavy RPG that only means you can run into mobs that can KO you in one hit because they have bigger numbers.

The camera is atrociously close to the player, it kills combat flow and turns exploration into a literal spinning headache.

I shelved it pretty early but I had a hunch it keeps its machoistic approach after you find out the mom is a corpse.
According to other reviews here it seems it doesn't improve and also that I pretty much encountered most of the enemies in the game a few hours in.

I maaaay give this game another go sometimes but I don't see what's the big deal is.
The axe was fun for a while and it's very pretty but that's about it and it doesn't carry a game with a jigsawed design like this.

Style over substance.

There's not a lot of gameplay but there are many vibes, the characters and their scenarios are well written for the most part.

Agency in this game can be somewhat counter intuitive if you're not familiar with the genre, which I'm not. I liked it but felt the game is not dynamic enough for it to feel more than the occasional blue choice red choice but with coffee cups.

It's fairly short and doesn't overstay its welcome.

I liked it but didn't necessarily liked playing it, if it makes sense.

Very cool concept but the game is very rigid, feels unfinished.

Maybe the arcade version is better, and as it gets with this genre it's probably better with friends.

Pretty fun.

A lot of these overcooked inspired games opted for physics based gameplay which leads to wacky fun but losses the tight mastery you can achieve with Overcooked's tiled design.

Fun coop and very pretty.

mom character spending her time being pregnant, cooking and being the sole caretaker of the baby throughout the game was a bad take.

Good length, frame rate issues on switch but nothing game breaking.

Games like Diablo 3 need to take notes on how to manage multiple players using menus.

Runs pretty bad on the Switch sadly.
game drags a bit and should have been more about bikes than knights.

It has a lot of charm and a lot of style.