The only reason this game doesn't get less than 2.5 is because it tried something different. It's not good.

cool idea. tedious execution.


"mom, I want breath of the wild"
"we've got breath of the wild at home"

Best game I'll never play again.

This game is not what I expected and I've thought about it once or twice a year since I played it.

I've got enough achievements in this game that I definitely know I finished it, but I have retained exactly nothing from this game. Gameplay, narrative, style, everything is blank. This is the definition of a 2.5.


5/5, 10/10, must play game. Look up NOTHING. This game is about learning, curiosity, and orbital velocities. If I could wipe ANY game from my brain, it would be this one.

It's a roguelike deck builder with strong horror and TTRPG influences...and it gets so much deeper. This is an onion with many creepy and intriguing layers. Don't look up anything, and don't give up on it after act 1.


Look up nothing. Play it. Pay attention and see how deep the foxhole goes.

Gorgeous to look at, sometimes frustrating to piece together, extremely rewarding when a crackpot idea pays off.

quintessential title of the era