While it’s not many people’s favourite Mario game, I still love it a lot. It’s much harder and unforgiving compared to the first game, but it does feel like a natural progression if you play them back to back. Like the All-Stars version of 1, the controls are much more slippery, so its even more of a challenge then before.

The best of the original four games. While I don’t like some levels, like Sandopolis, the level designs are the most refined compared to the others. Likewise, the graphics are absolutely stunning and a quite noticeable improvement over 2. The elemental shields give Sonic his own unique abilities to compensate for the other characters expanded movesets.

Now onto Sonic fo… Oh no.

It was ok. Storyline was better than the main game, as that’s the main focus here. But the performance is worse than the main game. Compared to Sword and Shields for dlc pack. I don’t see myself playing this every time I play through this game. Hopefully the second DLC is better than this.

Only playing this because I was playing origins plus and now want to replay all the classic Sonic games before Superstars.

It’s awful.

Not as good as the last two games. Even though it came out after Kirby’s Adventure, it takes too many steps back to be considered a true successor.

By the Mania, for the Mania!

A love letter to the classic games made by people who genuinely love and adore the series. So many Easter eggs, callbacks, and secrets sprinkled throughout the entire game. It truly looks like the next 2D Sonic game that would’ve released on the Sega Saturn, down to the look of the Special Stages. It plays perfectly. The physicals are the same as the original games thanks to Christian Whitehead and his Retro Engine which powered all the remasters of the Genesis and CD games. My only complaint with this game is that I wish that they had a few more original levels to balance out the returning ones. The new level themes are great and really stand out from the returning. I do wish this team got to do another game with all original levels. But it seems Sonic Team and Arzest are answering that call. Let’s see if that can live up to the fans expectations.

Better than the first game. It’s a short, but fun game that has a very distinct art style compared to the main console Mario games. The Mario Land duology could definitely do with expanded remakes on the switch.

A very basic and short platformer. It does a great job as gamers first game by being extremely simple and easy to control. That being said, it’s still a good time playing it. It always take a bit of getting used to because there’s no copy abilities like later games.

The games that started it all. They’re still great, but very dated especially when compared to its later remakes. If you’re new to the series and want to experience Gen 1, play the remakes on GBA. You can fully play RBY first, but they really show their age.

Yellow is the definitive version of Gen 1. It improves some aspects of Red and Blue and adds a little bit of new content to make the game stand out. If you really want to play Gen 1, play Yellow.

It was ok. Storyline was better than the main game, as that’s the main focus here. But the performance is worse than the main game. Compared to Sword and Shields for dlc pack. I don’t see myself playing this every time I play through this game. Hopefully the second DLC is better than this.

My favourite Modern Sonic game. Though Mania does the “bring the classic levels back for a new game” thing better, it’s really cool seeing a lot of these levels in HD and 3D. I wish it was a little longer, like maybe 4 zones for each era rather than 3, but the short length helps the game not over stay it’s welcome.

My favourite Kirby game. Takes everything from the first game and makes it better. This is the best version of the original Kirby’s Adventure. There’s no lag when playing and the button layout is a lot better. I just wish this was the 3DS’ full resolution instead of a smaller 4:3 screen, since they made a bunch of other improvements.

The Pixel Remaster brings alot of improvements, both OoL and in presentation.
Compared to past releases, this is the most accessible way to play the first game.
The difficulty was steady throughout, but the final boss hit me so hard. I had to grind alot outside the final room and teleport out and restock on items to beat it. Luckily grinding isn't too tedious thanks to both exp and Gil multipliers, as well as the ability to repeat moves from the previous turn.
Overall, a great way to play FF1.

The best of the add ons so far. The levels look great and the equipment you use is themed as if they’re from bikini bottom and are part of the show. Hopefully future DLC keeps up this level of detail.

Very good and faithful remake of one of the most important video games of all time. Graphics are great, but the controls are a bit more slippery compared to the original. I prefer the original version compared to this, but it’s still a great version.