"What if the R in JRPG stood for Reddit?" - Katsura Hashino

Cuck (2002) - Starring Mion Sonozaki

Given that I'm (as of writing) the only person to give a rating for the game, I figure I should probably give a review. If you liked Guilty Gear X, this is just a better version of that, but the ways it improves will matter on varying levels depending on whether you speak Japanese or not.

Firstly, the game adds two more characters, Justice and Kliff (there's also Robo-Ky but he's more of a wacky alternate version for Ky). These two are nice to have in the roster, even if I don't really play them myself.

The next is that it adds a story mode, which would be a big deal, but the story is delivered primarily through text boxes before a fight. These boxes play automatically, and the text is only in Japanese (since this is a JP only release). Playing with a script open alongside the game isn't ideal but it is possible, there's no patch for this game to put English text in naturally. There are ending CGs that you get at the end of each route. Each character has three routes, and which one you travel down depends on how you fight, with a lot of different stipulations, and some fights alter the characteristics of either you or your opponent to match the events of the story. I actually think this is a really cool way to use fighting game mechanics as a storytelling device, and it elevates the game's story a bit even if it's a bitch to play. Guilty Gear X2, and its variations, as well as French Bread's Melty Blood would iterate on this a bit, and later on BlazBlue would take even better advantage of these ideas, in my opinion becoming some of the best storytelling in the medium. Going back to GGX+'s story, I think the stipulations to reach some routes can be a bit ridiculous (one route requires beating the opponent whilst the clock is on a multiple of 11 seconds), and the difficulty can definitely ramp up unexpectedly. Since some routes depend on a win/loss outcome, if you lose a crucial fight, the game might progress and you'll have to redo the whole story to get another chance at the win route. The story is essentially one arc that plays out in a bunch of different ways, rather than a long form episodic narrative, and there's no true ending, so it can get a bit repetitive as well as just feeling kinda pointless after a while, doubly so if you're not able to actually read the story without an external script.

There's also a challenge mode added, which I didn't play much of, but it was neat. The challenges are essentially fights with special conditions. These conditions are of course, outlined in Japanese text in the menu, so more external scripts are required. That being said it isn't unplayable because of this, and there's definitely fun to be had if you're a completionist.

I've mostly been talking about the new elements, but even if they aren't appealing to you, this game does still have everything else from the original Guilty Gear X. Arcade mode has no dialogue, just like in vanilla X, so you can play that without a script open, and there's no reason not to use this version if that's what you're here for. Similarly, you don't need to read much at all to just play versus matches against other people or the CPU, or to do survival mode. So even if you view all the story and challenge stuff as just extra and not worth it, there's still no reason not to just play this version over the original, given the extra two characters and balance changes. It's all around just a better game, even if those changes might not matter to you anyway.

Fun prologue to KH3, but really I think it should've just been rolled into that package. Still, the intro is really nice, and the outfit customization isn't in KH3, so there's some merit to it being standalone, and it's not as if it's any less fun to play because of how it was released.

Good improvement over the ideas in Birth By Sleep, much more fluid and fun to play, world design is a bit too open with too little to do, but still fun to run around and fight in. Good way of filtering out the idiots who weren't really into the series anyway.

Big brained card combat, really fun to deck build. Whilst the game can be broken easily, it still feels engaging because you can't easily just obtain everything you need to break the game, and boss fights can still trip you up if you aren't careful. Story wise, one of the best in the series, all around just a good time. Definitely an improvement over the GBA version, being able to move in full 3D helps the combat a lot, and the game becomes faster paced because of it.

Definitely the weakest entry in the series, but it's still a kind of good game, with some interesting ideas.

Peak fiction honestly, very few games get better than this. Tohno Shiki is truly the goat.

Akiha dresses up as a cat spirit what more do I need to say fellas

Cool story for a fighting game, great animation and music, the gameplay is really well thought out, though it's a little rough playing without the Re:ACT patch.

Despite not having actually played against other people, I still have a lot of fun just messing around in arcade mode with this game, as well as labbing combos in training mode. Really fluid gameplay, fantastic music and animation, can't go wrong with this one at all.

Really good DLC, but very pricey, and honestly quite hard. I've yet to legitimately do all of the superbosses without the EZ codes, but the couple I've done were really fun, and the surrounding story in this DLC is fantastic. The new secret ending is the peak of the series.

Kamige, best game in the series, takes the best parts from nearly every game, very big brained story with lots of good theming.