Mortal Kombat but if it was actually cool

Best way to get into the series, outside of the larger collections that include this within it, there aren't really any bad games in the collection, and you get a lot of time out of it for your money.

Truly the peak of the "clicker games" genre

Neat game but it's aged like milk. Everything is hidden with no way to find it. I think if there was just a bit more information in the game to push you in the right direction, along with a better map, it'd be fantastic. A shame it wasn't remade for the SNES like so many other games. As it is, it's just a neat look at a bygone era of games, that doesn't really hold up today.

Fantastic game, though really rough at the same time. Full of PS2 jank, but that's a large part of the charm. Each world is fun and filled with stuff to do, the story is simple but really well handled, combat is definitely less refined than later games, but there's a lot of fun tricks you can pull off, and the tougher fights are a blast. Love all the side content the game has to offer, and the Final Mix exclusive content is really cool too. There are a few parts of the game that haven't aged well, but I think over time I've really grown to love the game in spite of that. Just a charming time all around really.

Big brained card combat, really fun to deck build. Whilst the game can be broken easily, it still feels engaging because you can't easily just obtain everything you need to break the game, and boss fights can still trip you up if you aren't careful. Story wise, one of the best in the series, all around just a good time. Definitely an improvement over the GBA version, being able to move in full 3D helps the combat a lot, and the game becomes faster paced because of it.

One of the high points of the series for sure. The combat is much more refined over KH1, the story is more complex, and visually the game looks a lot better too. The game is lacking in terms of non-combat stuff to do though, which compared to KH1 is a bit of a negative, and a lot of the side content is pushed into post-game territory. But it's still really great at what it does set out to achieve, so I can't help but consider it kino.