Underrated Battle Racer. All-Time Favorite for me. What’s great about it, is the combat and hardcore speed combine into literally the most thrilling shit on the system. The weapons are balanced in a way that gives you a shot even in 3rd or fourth place. With an overcharge fire mechanic rather than some cheap super you’re allowed when you already hit last place.

A skilled player in first can circumvent even the “blue shell” type weapon. Then you have the racing, with a variety of slick tracks and different vehicle types to use. Your car gets slippery if you recklessly boost, or even hard turn, at high speeds. So u really gotta watch your ass. Much like the also amazing (and clearly more popular) Crash Team Racing from Naughty Dog, boosting kicks ass, and you get more for jumping, drifting, and nabbing blue eco.

The single player campaign heavily improves on CTR. Rather than awkwardly parking your ass on coins in an empty hub world to play a level, you just pick one of several missions on a menu. Earn enough medals, race in a big match along with a rival. And watch Jak and Daxter increasingly annoy a TV host. I’m grateful this game gives u one simple goal: win the race, win the fight, hold the potato. Unlike, “Crash Bandicoot and the adventures of collecting a bunch of letters in the corner and then having to win the race”.

Various missions include time trials with freeze power ups, death arenas, boost-fests, standard races, and reverse hot potato.

I just feel like there’s so much to praise here. The amazing fucking soundtrack and hardcore death race vibe is perfect for the edgy extremity of the Jak sequels, but they also have colorful, naturalistic race tracks reminiscent of Jak 1 (the best one) and glorious opera vocals.

“Jaak! Are you crazy?! You ruined my story!”

Like bruh. They’ll never make another game like this? Naughty Dog will only ever make 3rd person Super Story Shooters? Damn.

If you know of any game that’s like this, or at least of racing games with strong solo campaigns then please enlighten me.

Great Retro Brawler. Immediately fast and snappy action. Pick a shotgun off the floor and instantly send a guy across the screen, its great. It slightly drags by the end with limited variety in enemy or stage interaction. The one time you're actually in a titular Cadillac it’s like a turbo lawn mower fucking up every thing on the screen. Another one of these in place of a standard level would’ve rounded it out better.

I’m shit at Rhythm heaven. Total garbage at Friday Night Funkin’. But I beat this game and loved all its charm. Sooo Why is that?……

(shit I know..)……


Battletoads Arcade really captures me with its art. I love the crude extremity of a funny animal cast drawn with more violent attitude than a biker gang. The Toads can drill into knocked down foes and kick enemies into the screen by their asses. I’m just all about the style here.
You can pick up weapons and boxes off the ground and just evicerate things. Battletoads kick ass frfr.
The gun is ass tho.

I’d say the gameplay stands competent next to something like Turtles in Time, albeit with caveats. For one, standard enemies swarm the player so regularly that one hardly has the opportunity to reposition. So prepare to Sit back and watch two enemies drain half your health with a few hits if they catch u slipping.

There’s no back attack or any useful defensive moves. From the first stage to the end, you’re mostly mashing attack, then hitting finishing moves But the stage variety keeps it interesting. Like the shoot ‘em up level at the end.

If this game had a console port with the extra content they had to cut I think it could’ve wound up a lot more famous! As it stands it’s a fun game to just throw yourself at with the free play nature of playing arcade stuff on mame.

Every Sega Genesis SOR game under one roof with a ton of extra features. It was fun getting into this after SOR 4 and considering what exactly makes a game “modern”.

The new game definitely added significant depth to the combat, but the genesis games still have cool ideas that didn’t carry over; like a meter to do special moves w/o losing health, vehicle levels, and alternate routes. There’s also a shorter game here with an 8 stage march to the end. More ideal length for these games I think.

Never goes outta style! Charming, quick, and simple; people love this for good reason. Can’t stand Raph in it tho, he’s too fucking slow.

In 2-Player Co-op, we beat the game in under 30 minutes, It ends before it bores within the limited moveset. Levels never dragged on either.

I didn’t know, before this playthrough, that pressing buttons JUMP and ATTACK at the same time does a health chipping, ass kicking special move like in Streets of Rage. I pulled it off as Leo, surrounded by Mouser Robots, and sent each one flying into inferno. Cowabunga indeed.

Overall, the lean mean green machine is still quite pristine.

I had so much fun w/ the coop this afternoon Streets 4 feels like a new favorite. Shit I even think it’s more fun than Ninja Turtles now. A startling revelation that what started this scribe!

Unlockables and Post-game really click for me. Everytime you beat a level you’re earning points to unlock more characters. I don’t have em all yet, but the roster IS. PHAT. Totally trumps turtles (DLC pending).

Btw, There’s a cheat code to play as a god damn Kangaroo. Nobody does that anymore. This game fucks

The story mode is voiceless with “motion comic” kinda cutscenes, and that Opening crawl of exposition just like the Ol’ Genesis game.

If I were old enough to be a proper SegaHead, I’d probably appreciate that reserved presentation more; it’s equal parts retro and indie. But I think they should either go even lower like everyone else or get big next time cuz all those cutscenes are quiet and empty. There’s hardly any action in em! mostly introductions and defeated bosses giving directions. Boring! A few nice drawings and neat dialogue would be faster.

This game is the craziest shit ever! Sega should’ve paid for some animated cutscenes or at least some voice acting.

But that’s all to say that this game is my shit now. I want to main all the characters and beat the bosses on hard and super hard and fuck you hard and she ain’t never had it this hard and Dante Must Dante, etc.

Damn cool 2D ass kicker. What you see is what you get. Amid limited funds and a weird burnout phase, where I struggle to enjoy any game…. Retro style simplicity feels very fresh. I like how they jammed this game with tons of characters and let you unlock more. I like the roguelike survival dlc. I loved playing with my gf. It’s pretty dope.

Now if you compare it to TMNT Shredder’s Revenge, I like how that plays more (everyone dashes, taunts, dodge button), but this has the better content, and I love how you can throw, even the bosses, across the room like a sack of potatoes.

I love the challenge of building up combos, beating up armies, and taking out the boss while trying not to get killed. Specials taking health makes it more tense.

This game has a lot to offer!

Obviously it’s the greatest action combat system ever; a league of its own, undeniably. But the levels are ass compared to DMC 3. That sprawling Gothic castle, with light Metroidvania charm, that forked into arenas and trap doors for battle has no successor here….

But the fighting’s so cool why would you care how you got there? I’ve only played the third game, and from that They’ve revolutionized Dante, given us Nero, introduced V, and brought back Vergil if ya pockets are fat.

Every character has nigh endless sick ass maneuvers to use and you’ll regularly unlock more. It’s just the full package for a game like this. Accept no pretender!

This was my game of the year in 2021 and a second playthrough 2 years later proved Double Fine DEFINITELY did they shit. It’s one of the best Platformer games of the modern era, and a brilliant successor to the classic original.


Rock Solid Brown Colored Quake-like Boomer Shooter. Lots of Brown Sewers, Brown Castles, Brown Caves, and Brown Corridors. Some Shake ups aesthetically might've been nice. This is the kinda game where all the little details add up to something special.

Like how every level takes direct inspiration from a real life place in Russia. When Duke Nukem 3D came out, gamers back then loved how levels felt like real places rather than abtract mazes. This is the natural evolution of that.

A dull and repetitive 2 Player Beat-em up. My gf and I couldn't even past the first level we were so damn bored.

Classic Turtles Arcade action. I loved playing this with my girlfriend on a lazy afternoon. The Super Nintendo version is slightly superior (more levels and more moves), but it’s a great time all the same.

What you see is what you get and what you get is fucking awesome. The new moves they give you take the Arcade action to a new level. I had a full stack of local multiplayer going at a party and it felt like joining the knights of the round or something. This game is just stellar.

Played the first 3 Levels thinking about Contra like a Run N Gun Rebound Date. U move slow, guns aren’t satisfying, and each boss is a pushover. Level 3 made me fight the same tank twice, TURR AH BULL!

It’s not the worst thing, tho. You can knock a guy in the air and wail on em like Devil May Cry. If you have a friend or lover that’ll play with you for more than 20 minutes you might be able to get something outta this.