A great 2D action game from the studio who’s 30 year history is almost exclusively cool 2D action.

I was also surprised at the story and it’s time travel, which ended up hooking me right before the end. Going back n forth between levels for clues made me feel like I actually uncovered the twists instead of just watching them.

An awesome game that caught me off guard with how fun it is. Getting so powerful you just walk through enemies at the end is so rewarding, but I do think each level would be better at 10 minutes shorter or so. I pass this game around friends on my Steam Deck and almost everybody can get into it.

I remember playing this game on a rental close to release.

The samurai combat is pretty fun, I loved walking into a settlement and sayin', "BRING YO STRONGEST WARRIOR" before dueling one guy and then slaying the rest. The stealth, however, feels very bland and limited. After a decent amount of time with it, I found the story cool, but not very enriching, and the gameplay fun, but not very exciting or unique among big, open-world action games like this.

This game is very polished and a solid good time. It runs great out the box on Steam Deck, and I think playing on a handheld gave it a comfy vibe for me that really sold it. If you played the previous game, you're sure to enjoy this because it's mostly more of the same.

Personally, I think these Insomniac Spider-Man games are holding themselves back by being so similar to Batman Arkham. Swinging around New York is the main appeal, but it's only something the player does in-between furious action and stealth takedowns. All I really want are more mid-air boss fights (like The Vulture in this game), and some races or "swing through ring" type challenges in the open world.

Here's hoping the PS5 sequel has more web-swinging centric missions...

I thought it was so cool when my girlfriend showed this to me when the wifi went out.

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The battle system here is excellent just like the original. I also enjoy the level up system with magic points and special points, getting stronger and learning new moves is more immediate than the first game. Story and characters were compelling enough to see it through to the end at 50+ hours of playtime, but most people will agree, I think, that the first game’s more adventurous narrative is the stronger one.

This game was too long imo. A party member has a particular climatic moment when the story hits eleven, but then the game just kept going for 10 more hours. I got to level 50 before the final boss, and its mostly too easy to get there. Then you can’t skip all the spell casting cutscenes; which might’ve helped speed things up.

Great game nonetheless

I played this on a whim last summer and it blew me away. Never played a jrpg before, and the combat here was awesome. It feels brutal yet strategic if you think with it (I looked at a guide once or twice).

Regular enemies are very easy, but the boss fights are these epic difficulty spikes later in the game. You’ll think the only way is to grind for gear and exp, but smart use of magic and moves gives enriching victory.

It’s just an epic journey of a game with fantastic, charismatic writing. I wanted to replay it right after I beat it. Only critique is the corporate business mini-game, (you gotta play for big cash payouts and an optional party member) it takes too long and is repetitive as fuck.

I hope I can find other turn-based rpgs as compelling as this one was, cause this game feels one of a kind.

I played this game one time, all the way to the credits, on the Christmas Day my Dad brought home our PlayStation 4. I must’ve self-quarantined in my bedroom for a whole night until Nathan Drake won that final battle on the sinking pirate ship.

(Reading that back, I doubt I marathoned it that hard, but I KNOW I played the game to the end sequentially…..and very fast!)

I have not played since. Naughty Dog’s post-ps2 output isn’t really my thing, it’s seems like every game would rather be a movie, and I imagine the one-and done thrill ride of this game is the same experience I’d get from its Naughty predecessors and Doggy forebearers.

But they got some HIGH MUHFUCKING production values at Naughty Dog, that’s for sure.

This game is obviously beautiful and a smash-hit achievement, but for me, I dunno. I think 64 is more for me.

After playing off and on for weeks, I never feel all that fulfilled after getting a star. The game is too easy. Maybe I should try the sequel? Otherwise, I guess I’ll eventually get further in the game overtime. When I want something real chill.

I finally beat it today. When this came out, everyone on the Internet gave it hell for the Batmobile as well as what turned out to be a so-so story, so I put off playing it for years even as a big fan of Arkham City.

But after going back to City, I finally gave this a shot, and man have I missed out. 50 hours of playtime and I still wanna collect every riddler trophy, beat each DLC, and attack every challenge map.

When you play this. It’s like everything Arkham City had turned to 11. Batman has more moves and gadgets with combat feeling faster as more enemies will rush you down. Solving crimes is expanded as you study video footage, or analyze the layers of a corpse. The Batmobile can weave in and out of enemy fire, solve puzzles, boost and slide across the street, and eject Batman straight into a glide. People made it sound like you’re always in the car, but it’s really just another gadget to use.

This is an open world game with swift and fun traversal and a lot of variety. Real easy to get absorbed in. The side missions make it for me. Each one has full cutscenes, combat encounters, Batmobile chases, and everything else. They actually feel like main game content.

The real let down here is zero boss fights compared to what City had. You got boss fights sorta, but they’re either in the car, or severely underwhelming. Some bigger fights like previous games could’ve added more climax. Every major encounter with the Knight being in the car likely rubbed a lot of fans the wrong way.

“I don’t care where you’ve gone, I’ll find ya someday, and kick the living crap outta ya!”

Crazy satisfying shit that looks like Rocko. This game is “best of genre” quality

Played the first 3 Levels thinking about Contra like a Run N Gun Rebound Date. U move slow, guns aren’t satisfying, and each boss is a pushover. Level 3 made me fight the same tank twice, TURR AH BULL!

It’s not the worst thing, tho. You can knock a guy in the air and wail on em like Devil May Cry. If you have a friend or lover that’ll play with you for more than 20 minutes you might be able to get something outta this.

What you see is what you get and what you get is fucking awesome. The new moves they give you take the Arcade action to a new level. I had a full stack of local multiplayer going at a party and it felt like joining the knights of the round or something. This game is just stellar.

Classic Turtles Arcade action. I loved playing this with my girlfriend on a lazy afternoon. The Super Nintendo version is slightly superior (more levels and more moves), but it’s a great time all the same.

A dull and repetitive 2 Player Beat-em up. My gf and I couldn't even past the first level we were so damn bored.