I really enjoyed this mission pack. It’s got great bosses, and the alternative ammo is basically a ticket to more overpowered weaponry. The lava rockets can kill death knights and fiends in two shots for example. It’s a joy. The dragon guarding the machine at the end has left a lasting impression on me.

I know this game's great cuz I lean to the left when the fireballs come.

Bigger and badder than the original; I see DOOM 2 more like the other half of a whole. The Super Shotgun and new enemies are perfect, this campaign hits higher peaks than the previous. The low-points were various levels on the latter half where it's just hard to know where to go. I love the Wolfenstein secret levels, and the Icon of Sin seals the deal at the end. Greatness

I've unexpectedly returned to this game for a 2nd playthrough after a number of years. It's excellent and deserves more than it got. I hope it has a long shelf life in steam.

Zipping across the city with Ratchet and Clank guns is a joy, if a simple one. There's lots of things to jump on or press X to grind or swing off, but this could've really sang with some kind of trick system, or some other extra way to excel with skilled play. Even so, this is still the best kind of open world game, the ones where you actually wanna move through the world and not use the fast travel.

I love this map! I think this is the first standalone Quake Map User Release I've beaten. Not sure how to describe a level that feels great in one shooter with same result here in Quake. I like how it's built on Arcane Dimensions, so the bad guys fire avoidable projectiles instead of OG mf hitscanner enemies. The mapper really went the extra mile here, implementing a beautiful start map, an opening cutscene, the jetpack (sorta), and various assets to lovingly interprete Duke 3D into Quake. I loved this.

Quake on Skates is a killer idea. I honestly dream what it would be like to roll down hallways while kickflipping over gaps and shotgunning grunts. This mod does not deliver that dream, (it's limited to the point you can't even move in reverse) but it's honestly a beautiful novelty. Plus its in a museum, which is just fucking awesome.


On PC this really is a game where the fun will never end. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to play every quality map/add-on/episode or mod for DOOM and that’s just incredible.


My favorite retro fps. Quake is a game made by the skinned teeth of a strained team. Working for days and nights on end to serve ambitious technology and established expectations.

I find it fascinating that originally, that didn’t want a shooter! They wanted some kind of 3D Dark Fantasy RPG. What’s we’ve been given is something like a Dark Compromise. Even the Rocket Jumping happened unintentionally.

Enemies include: Medieval Knights, Brute Ogres, Cosmic Monstrosities, and science-fiction grunt troopers, a varied playground in rusty corners and blocky brushstrokes. If this world is pasted together then the glue is good shit. amazing sounds and rugged gameplay that tie it up with memories of the crude and slap-dashed sketchbooks in my heart.

And the best part is, the game they made however long ago is only the beginning

This was alright. Great production for sure, but everything cool in the gameplay is buried in the military cover shooting. Why does a guy with jet boots on his legs need soldier buddies to stand around getting shot at? Why is the recovery so damn long? How come you’ve got zero space to slide until they have u running down the hallway like it’s recess?

How come the weapons suck? Not every gun, but there’s one called “LIFE Gun” that shoots a big fat ball of electrical energy. But that mf curve like busy bitch and can barely wipe out one guy. LAME. The whole campaign has that undercurrent for me after beating act 2 and uninstalling.

An excellent, most approachable RPG. A regular fight is snappy and thrilling and the many boss fights are tough tests of your quick thinking and strategy. Possibly the most epic story in a 2D Sprite Art game to boot.

Sometimes even a great game can’t hold my attention, but I’ve put this down and lost my save, and picked it back up multiple times in a year. Rn I don’t feel like beating it, but pushing through the start all the way to around the heroes lowest point in the story was gripping for days of play.

Super cool, thrilling 3rd Person Shooter. The kinda game that makes me lean in the chair. The campaign takes you through most of the levels from the perspective of the clone/storm troopers, now I’m trying to play with a friend and hit up the mod community. Great game

There’s a fan made mod of this game, it’s “American Wasteland Rethawed”. It updates the whole thing for a modern pc, resurrects the online, adds every playable Tony hawk skater. Lots to customize too. And they’re still going hard in their discord. It’s an awesome project for a sweet game.

P.S. Runs perfect on Steam Deck

A year after my original playthrough, I suddenly had an urge to collect every riddler trophy and take on new game plus. This lead to 10 discoveries.

1. Core Gameplay in Arkham Knight is stellar. The Challenge map extra mode is demonstrates. Especially as a sizeable improvement on previous games that aspect is brilliant.
Pro-Tip: pick up baseball bats off the floor and beat ppl with them. Highly effective.

2. Quite Ironically, Riddler is the best boss fight in the game. That aspect is quite disappointing compared to Arkham City. There’s nothing comparable to fighting Mr. Freeze, Clayface, or Ra’s Al Ghul in Arkham Knight.

3. Batmobile Racing kicks ass. Zooming in and picking off drones with Perfect/Critical shots to power your secondary weapons is very satisfying in Batmobile combat.

4. It’s very easy to download and install costume mods online. There’s great stuff out there too.

5. The story, while bombastic, is full of holes and leaves massive gaping questions.

6. Mark Hamill’s Joker as a haunting sidekick/npc/villain was brilliant. He’s a perfect comedic relief throughout the game before a really epic villain climax before the end.

7. The alternate playable characters are heavily underutilized in story mode.

8. I wish you had full freedom to investigate side missions to completion. Story progress determines a lot. Not a very “open” world.

9. There’s something viscerally satisfying, about personally driving Batman’s enemies to be locked in this game. Especially from a completionist prospective, GCPD might be a favorite hub area for me now. It’s probably the smartest idea of game design going on here.

10. This game still looks next-gen however many years later….. 3D Graphics are peaking. It’s time for higher era of art direction.

Modern classic. The architecture and music create an unmatched vibe. You’re skulking through the lions den getting ambushed at every turn, but the deadliest creature at play is you.

Playing this makes me appreciate my childhood favorite, Arkham City, a lot more. I find the combat awkward quite often as Batman fails to lock onto targets. There’s also a lack of options overall in combat and stealth, and the absolute low point are the boss fights, with endless dumb wall-charging monsters, and somehow the final boss is the easiest.

But this game will always be dope. And I would love a mod that took the unique UI of this game and stuck it in the generic digital tech-fest visuals in the sequels.

I was honestly shocked how compelling the levels are in this game. Plus the badge system is awesome.

Not a fan of these controls. DK is slow as fuck, but carries a lot of speed in his brief roll, or when he jumps. I always feel like I’ve gotta hold back on the analog stick in the air or the Monkey’s fatass will go flying off every platform. Why have multiple characters that all amount to simple power ups unless you’ve got a lucky player 2, who has 3 different characters to choose from.

Not for me. I prefer how fast and clicky Donkey Kong Country 2 is for example.