The main story has never been more fun and endearing, there's much more single player content than 7, and the faster pace is a much appreciated boost in the arm.

An improvement on the first, but while I respect its ambitions with things like the rougelike mode, rough edges still keep the game from being truly great.

Played all the main campaigns plus the mod one. I’m still actively playing through the procedural ones, plus have plans to go through the main campaigns again, and to go achievement hunting. This game just never gets old. From the aesthetic to the tone to the themes, there’s never been a game for me that’s felt more like a fable, a legend. Playing it with someone dear to me has resulted in so many fond and dear memories. The gameplay is simple and sweet, surprisingly thoughtful and addictive, and rewarding when you win the most grueling and brutal battles. But it’s the characters we infused with life, and the sublime writing and stories given to them, that will stick with me forever. I think I’ll be coming back to this game my whole life.

As addictive and fun as ever. There's some frustration, but you just have to know when to push through and when to quit. Beat the story, did the SMB1 challenge modes up to Expert, and 2's up to Normal. I did my Launchers time in the story. I'm free.

Still good! Still fun! But it’s not fresh three games in anymore, and it doesn’t break enough new ground to make up for that. And while the story has its moments, it’s also messy and rushed in places, while also overstaying its welcome in terms of side content. If I were more into triple AAA open world games, the burnout might’ve hit me deeper, because I don’t get the sense this is breaking new ground there. But as the series where I dip my toes into that genre, the Spideys are a fun enough time.

A flawed game, far from perfect. There's plenty of narrative pratfalls and missed opportunities, and Silver Snow is a waste of time. But one look at my playtime shows a world and characters I fell in love with, that I literally wrote out the stories of my Byleths in. The gameplay loop was so satisfying, and the core of the story is strong enough to hook me in. And there were so many characters I fell in love with. I won't forget any of them soon.

I'm still here primarily for GM, which is still a blast with friends, but this year MyRise actually got me too, and The Legacy story is a real standout.

More of SOTM, which is all I need. The new heroes, villains, and environments all have fresh new twists showing off the developers' growth after all these years.

Decent Paper Marioesque gameplay and pricking at fondness for the show and nostalgia for Wind Waker is all this game has going for it. And those do scratch a decent itch. But they didn't send their best writers for this project. The story, humor, and characters are all perfunctory and uninspired. They got Olivia Olson but apparently too many lines would've gotten expensive cause she barely says anything in cutscenes, which was a major letdown. And it's buggy as hell; at time of writing I don't have the last three achievements I should, and I'm not compelled to replay the game anytime soon. But I still had a good enough (adventure) time with it, pleasantly sailing, tearing through bad guys, and unwinding with my own music. I can't regret that.

I was in a bad place, and like always, playing this game brought me out of it smiling and breathless.

Cute and relatable, with a fun concept.

Somehow a step up from the already fantastic first chapter. Everything is deeper, from the relationships to the plot to the gameplay. Can't wait for more.

A hidden gem with gorgeous graphics, killer music, a wide scope, and distinctive characters